Tuesday 2 August 2011

Nikola Tesla and Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on physics of Quantum Mechanics and the dynamics of light and time.

Nikola Tesla changed the future of the world forever with his invention of the AC (alternating current). This video explains a theory that the alternating between wave and particle duality and the continuous flow of positive and negative electric charge is linked to the reason why we have a future and a past forming an Arrow of Time.

The waves of light will only collapse into photons or particles when they come into contact with the atoms of an object. Therefore the atoms of the human eye will collapse the wave function just like any other object. In this theory beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder!

We see and feel this continuous alternating between wave and particle as the continuous flow of time. Just like the tick tock, tick tock of a clock the continuous wave particle, wave particle represents the physical flow of time itself!

Nikola Tesla said that "The day when we shall know exactly what electricity is will chronicle an event probably greater more important, than any other recorded in the history of the human race"

When I create a work of art it takes energy and is a process over a period of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. There is always uncertainty of how the art work will turn out ∆×∆p×≥h/4π the position of the lines and curves π on the canvas. Every movement I make will have to start at the quantum level and will have an uncertainty of momentum and position. Is this not Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle?

This is a link to more videos on Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on physics of Quantum Mechanics and the dynamics of light and time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fascinating. Did not fully understand tesla slides.