Sunday, 31 January 2010

Quantum Entanglement and the symmetry and geometry of light

Video explaining Quantum Entanglement formed by the symmetry and geometry of light.


In Quantum Atom Theory the paradoxes of quantum physics can be explained by a greater understanding of the dynamic of light and time.

Light has symmetry that forms the geometry of spacetime. The photon will have opposite spin because they are on opposite sides of the light sphere.


Because it is impossible to achieve absolute zero all atoms radiate EMR continuously even the atoms of an observer. In this theory it is the forward momentum of light that forms the arrow of time and the broken symmetry of spacetime.

The observer will be at the centre of his own broken symmetry relative to his position and momentum and is therefore the only true reference frame.


A rainbow is only relative to the position and momentum of each individual observer. This is because each observer will collapse the wave function giving each Photon a unique position in space and time that is only relative to the observer own position and momentum.

You might be thinking that this is just because all the angles are changing and that everything is relative and you will be right. But the wavelengths (colours) of the light are moving in unison and are only relative to the source of the light. This is because time is only relative to the wavelength of the object radiating the light forming its own spacetime.


In this theory time moves at the speed of light and energy and mass slow it down to form their own spacetime. Because we are energy and mass we therefore create our own spacetime geometry of broken symmetry.

Time is only relative to the energy or mass of the object that is forming the spacetime.


A link to Quantum Atom Theory on You Tube

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the Hidden Variable of Time

Video on Quantum Physics and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

Time moves at the speed of light and energy and mass slow it down to form their own spacetime geometry in three dimensional space. The broken spherical symmetry of light forms the geometry of spacetime that the observer will see and feel as the arrow of time


All atoms form their own spacetime geometry in three dimensional space. Even the individual atoms of the observer are at the centre of their own broken symmetry.

Energy and mass are continuously forming their own future space-times therefore the Uncertainty Principle of quantum physics is the same uncertainty that the observer will have with any future event.

The atoms bound together and form their own three dimensional space-times relative to their own position and momentum. Because of this time is a variable and is only relative to each spacetime therefore we have Einstein's theories on relativity.

Each observer has created their own broken symmetry this can be seen as mirror or line symmetry in the physical shape of the observer. They will feel this symmetry as the arrow of time or as the time line from the past into the future.

The observer will see time as linear because there was an evolutionary advantage in seeing time this way. The atoms of the observer have bonded together forming their own broken spherical symmetry of their own evolutionary path. As a three dimension object the observer is at the centre of their own created broken symmetry of spacetime geometry.


We have the beauty of a universal symmetry formed by the forward momentum of light that continuously forms the fabric of spacetime. Energy or mass continuously break this symmetry to form their own spacetime geometry. This universal symmetry is the foundation that human geometry and mathematics is based upon.


A link to Qantum Atom Theory on You Tube