Friday 5 April 2013

Quantum Entanglement or Einstein's spooky action at a distance explained within an artist theory on the physics of ‘Time’ as a physical process.

 Video explaining Quantum Entanglement or Einstein's spooky action at a distance.

These are some of questions people have asked me about Quantum Entanglement and Einstein's spooky action and how it is explained by Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of ‘time’ as a physical process:

Nick, I really thought that Einstein referred to the action of quantum entanglement as spooky action at a distance because it was an action that occurs instantaneously. Then the twin particle which forms must know the spin action of the first particle before it is even determined if we go by the speed of light being the measurement of time. So in a sense the spin action would have been already known by the twin particle prior to even being determined. That is why Einstein called it spooky.

Yes instantaneous as in the same moment of time! This is no different than water waves, drop a pebble in a pond and the ripples spread out from their centre forming symmetry over a period of time. It’s the nature of waves the only different is that light wave form the future when they come in contact with something forming new photons in space and new moments in time!  The spacetime of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity in this theory is formed in this way! 


Then you believe that when the photon(wave) is measured it instantly converts into a particle? I would then assume like in quantum entanglement the information of the source is relayed instantly. It could mean that the photon does not actually travel through the existing wave but is a property of the source and only exists in this dimension(realm) when measured or detected. But this would mean that we cannot see back in time by viewing objects light years away if light happens instantly.
Not at all this theory explains a reason why we can look back in time at the beauty of the stars. The process is continuous forming the continuum of time photon by photon. The photon is also the carrier of the electromagnetic force and in this theory electrical activity in the brain (consciousness) is the most advanced part of this universal process. Therefore we are always in ‘the moment of now’ aware of our own electrical activity in the centre of our own ref-frame being able to look back in time in all directions!
This explanation is WRONG. This video describes Synchronicity of undisturbed wave functions NOT the phenomena of Quantum Entanglement . The entangled properties of one when disturbed, instantly (not bound by C) SET A CONDITION of the other regardless of distance. An instant transmission of information unbound by space and time. THIS VIDEO IS NOT AN EXPLANATION OF QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT. No offense intended .

No offence taken! This can explain quantum entanglement the synchronicity of waves is very similar. The only difference is that in quantum entanglement we have new photons coming into existence that instantly have the same characteristics (spin) of their surrounding spacetime. We see and feel this process as the flow of time itself


In quantum entanglement if you change the state of one particle you instantly communicate the change(what Einstein called spooky action at a distance) in waves if you destroy one side you dont communicate any changes to the other side. quantum entanglement is got nothing at all to do with wave synchronization.

Synchronization can also be seen in elementary charge (large scale systems) can be spread over a finite volume whose absolute size may range from that of everyday objects up to a star or even a large region of interstellar space. Also a collection of more than two charges gives the potential energy of the system as a whole. In this theory the potential energy represents the future potential that we all have within our own ref-frame because the process represents the flow of time itself

So does observation break entanglement?

That is a good question I have never worded it like that. I don’t know if break is the right word. Also the eye has to come in contact with light waves to observer therefore it is coming in contact with light a universal physical process not just observations. In this theory we have a process of symmetry forming and breaking may be you could say the entanglement gets broken!
But upon observation (light-wave hitting the eye etc) wave-function collapses right? And also the wave-function of the other entangled particle collapses instantly. So is information transmitted superluminally. Seems like it! So strange...
It should not seem strange if we think of it as a continuous dynamic process that forms the geometry of spacetime. We see and feel this process as the continuum of time with an Arrow of Time for each individual object or observer within their own ref-frame.

wow my brain hurts now So what he was saying is without light there can’t be a universe


There is always light or electromagnetic radiation it is only that most of it is invisible with our eyes.

I do agree with the descriptions implication that qm gives an explanation of time that is not present in classical physics. The fact that there is a direction of time, as well as how time "behaves as if it's reversible"... and can actually be reversible. In qm time is reversible, and events can both rehappen and also happen differently in both directions. if multiple states COULD have led to the current state, when going backward, any of the multiple can be reached.


It is logical that you should think this! Because there is an infinite number of quantum wave particle functions collapsing and reforming all around us. But each one only works one way in time forming the chaos of life. At each moment in time the quantum wave-particle function collapses with a photon electron coupling. At that moment in time we have matter antimatter annihilation. This will always be in one direction the antimatter is always annihilated forming the arrow of time in that ref-frame.
I think in a qm view of time time can go forward and backward, and branches in both directions.


No! Not in this theory Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle only works one way in time, we can always calculate backwards and workout what the position and momentum was in the past. This makes sense if the Ψ quantum wave-particle function represents the flow of time!
In this theory the fundamental difference between Quantum and Classical physics is that Quantum physics represents the forward passage of Time itself
I am an artist and when I create a work of art it takes energy and is a process over a period of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. There is always uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π of how the art work will turn out in three dimensional (4π spherical) space the position of the lines and curves π on the canvas. Every movement I make will have to start at the quantum level and will have an uncertainty of momentum and position therefore Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle the same uncertainty we have with any potential future event
This theory is based on just two simple postulates and one equation:
1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function explained by Schrödinger's wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π forming the Arrow of Time within each reference frame with the future unfolding photon by photon. 
2. The second is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that.
This process of continuous energy exchange continuous creation or change we see and feel as the flow of time itself and can interact with turning the possible into the actual!
This theory is based on just one new equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ the Lorentz contraction of space and time is between the energy and mass. The greater the energy the greater the contraction of  space and the slower time will run. Mass will increase relative to this and each ref-frame can be seen as a vortex in space formed by the rate that time flows. C² is light radiating out in all directions forming a sphere that can be squared to form the future probability. The brackets represent the boundary condition of the ref-frame within infinity!

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