Saturday, 28 January 2012

An artist interpretation of quantum physics as the physical process that forms the flow of time.

An artist theory on the Quantum Mechanics and the physics of time.

It has been said that a good theory should be based on just a few postulates and explain a large number of phenomenon.
This theory is based on just two simple postulates and helps to explain many of puzzles of quantum and classical physics.

1. The first postulate is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ explained by Schrodinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π or Arrow of Time itself photon by photon

2. The second postulate is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

The quantum wave particle function Ψ is a probability wave of a potential future event within an individual reference frame.
We have an infinite number of reference frames in our Universe each one having a rate that time flows relative to the energy of that individual reference frame. This idea of an infinite number of ref-frames is explained by Einstein in his theories on relativity.

This theory (Quantum Atom Theory) unites Einstein’s theories of relativity and quantum physics explaining a physical process of continuous energy exchange. This process forms the geometry or curvature of spacetime in Einstein’s theories of relativity and what we see and feel as the flow of time in our everyday life.

I have been promoting this theory on the Internet on sites like YouTube and this is some of the most recent comments and question I have had:

Okay, from your examples I can see how time might be considered the hidden variable. However, there may be BRANES embedded in the fabric of space that are responsible for both time and quantum entanglement. Accelerating objects may rub against these branes, producing time dilation. Light itself may use branes as a conduit. Branes would also affect all matter in the universe,acting as a scaffold for such,and Branes would also be responsible for the wave function collapse, setting the position.


The idea of branes is promoted in the book “The Elegant Universe” by Brian Greene its part of String Theory.
In this theory we have boundary conditions instead of (BRANES). They are dynamic and we see them has the two 2π dynamic dimensions of a past and a potential future uncertainty. Mathematically we see this as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π. This process forms the rate that time ∆t flows it will be relative to the energy ∆E of each individual ref-frame. We have an infinite number of ref-frames so we only need three 4π dimensions and one variable time

∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π

"Objects of great mass create time dilation"---this may be due to gravity creating a compression,which brings the matter closer to fundamental branes that exist in the fabric of space.Accelerating objects may also come into contact with these branes, producing time dilation.Quantum entanglement may occur on the surface of branes. Once established, the entanglement can persist through the conduit of branes, since the branes are frozen, ultra rigid sheets.Branes may convey energy in a timeless way

Einstein believed is a dynamic Universe that is objective and would relate to our everyday life. This theory is trying to explain such a Universe. We do not have branes in our everyday life, but we have boundary conditions in the form of reference frames. In a dynamic Universe of continuous change or energy exchange this is all we need to form a logical picture of our Universe.

Brane, Branes, Branes. They may exist within the human body, allowing us to collapse the wave function.

The wave function is spherical 4π forming a three dimensional space. Therefore we have 4π in Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π of position and momentum.
HUP can be reformulated as uncertainty between energy ∆E and time ∆t forming the equation ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. The surface of the sphere 4π forms a dynamic two dimensional 2π boundary condition that we see and feel as a future and a past within our own ref-frame.
No Branes!!!

My surmise is that momentum and position are separate (not simultaneously definable) because momentum is separate from branes, which actually define position. Collapsing energetic momentum to a singular point defines position, and that position is located on a brane. In the realm of pure momentum, branes are remote, existing outside of that domain.

Momentum is frame dependent and is only relative within its own reference frame. An observer will observer from the position of his own reference frame. In a dynamic Universe of continuous change the outcome is always uncertainty ∆×∆p×≥h/4π between position and momentum.
Observation is always a process over a period of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π and we have uncertainty between energy ∆E and time ∆t as the future unfolds photon by photon.

Light exists partially on a brane, and partially not. That accounts for particle/wave duality.

In this theory we have a dynamic Universe of continuous change we are all wave and waves by their nature have to move. We see and feel this movement as the flow of time ∆t. This will be relative to our own energy ∆E within our own ref-frame. Everything is made up of infinite number of w-functions forming an infinite number of ref-frames. Particle or new photon oscillations are formed when the w-function comes in contact with atoms forming a new light waves or w-functions of future probability.

Time is infinite, it is circular... between 1 and 2 is an infinite amount of decimals rational and irrational I could say 1.111 and repeat the one forever when it gets to 2 is a mystery to me... I believe it's the mind that brings the concept of time into existence, we perceive it differently then other creatures one moment can seem to stand still and one can pass without notice. It is a record of change... how time works and why it does I just can't fathom...

Yes you could say 1.111 and repeat the one forever and never get to two! But only as a process over a period of time, in this theory the flow of time is formed by the continuous flow of light or EMR within each individual ref-frame. In this theory consciousness is the most advanced part of a universal process and can therefore perceive this process as the flow of time with a past and a potential uncertain future within each individual reference frame.

This is rubbish

Even rubbish has its own energy or mass within its own reference frame. The rate that time flows will be relative to the energy or mass of the rubbish within that reference frame! In this theory we form our own time and space within our own reference frame. We are energy and mass and we slow the rate that time flow relative to our energy and mass forming our own future spacetime!

Well, abstract mathematics is the explaining of paradoxes. Math just follows experimental data the best it can... There is no a priori justification of any mathematical theory. Although, once experiments become able to tackle shadowing of quantum vacuum itself, we will definitely need new mathematical approach. It's never-ending Godel story, really. That's why we like it, right? However, math is but an abstra_ction generated by our mind. Consider natural numbers: 1 leaf, 2 leafs... Good luck :)

I believe mathematics is based on the geometry of our Universe this geometry is abstract therefore we have abstract mathematics.
Take the quantum Wave particle function it is an inverse sphere “abstract” but if you are within a sphere looking out it would seem inverse. Just like the inverse square law of gravity we are within the gravitational field. I feel that we need a new theory more than a new mathematical approach.

But if you're deriving it from Ψ, understand that that is something different from the HUP. Ψ (as defined by the Schrodinger equation) has considerably more information than HUP itself does. HUP falls out of the definition of a fourier transform on Ψ when the energy is quantized. I don't really understand how spherical symmetry comes into play here, but i'm not doubting that you can derive entropy if you're given Ψ. I'm doubting that you can derive it with HUP alone.

Yes Ψ has considerably more information than HUP! Ψ represents the flow of time itself in this theory and there are always considerably more possibilities than there are actual physical outcomes. This is a process you need Ψ the flow of time to form future potential uncertainty HUP with the flow of entropy. Ψ is an inverse sphere and we have the inverse square law of gravity because of this geometry

Free Will is the ability to collapse the wave function by intent.

In this theory first there is the conscious idea this form the intent, but it is physical action that collapses the w-function within an individual reference frame. A house brick will do the same within its own reference frame when light waves come in contact with it without any intent because the process is universal!

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Heisenberg's uncertainty Principle;∆×∆p×≥h/2πAnd not;∆×∆p×≥h/4πI don't know, so it's just a question asked, not criticism. I've read alot about theoretical and mathematical physics, but I study biomedicin, so it's not really my field. It is however, one of my greatest hobbies, so I'm trying to learn as well as I can :)

HUP can be set up in two ways the uncertainty of position and momentum ∆×∆p×≥h/4π and also uncertainty between energy and time ∆×∆p×≥h/2π. It’s a great hobby to have!

Somebody entanglement like a connection?

Entanglement is a property of any kind of waves. If you look at ripples on the surface of water you will see that the ripples are entangled. They have the same up or down movement simultaneously as they expand out from the centre of the ripple. The w-function of quantum mechanics is the same it forms a square of probability. It is just that it is three dimensional, spherical 4π and forms the flow of time ∆t within an individual reference frame.

IF entropy is a consequence of the HUP, then you should be able to derive entropic laws from HUP. If it's impossible to derive entropy from HUP alone, then the arrow of time is not a consequence of HUP alone.

This theory does just that! HUP is formed by the quantum wave particle function Ψ explained by Schrödinger’s wave equation this has spherical symmetry. This spherical symmetry forms the organization for the spontaneous continuous universal disorganization of entropy that we have within the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

What if you were in a pitch black room with only sound? Wouldn't time continue to move on? Wouldn't you still be able to hear someone speaking from within the room?

Many people have asked me this and the answer is that everything radiates light waves of electromagnetic radiation continuously. It is just that our eyes can only see what we call visible light. Most of the electromagnetic spectrum is invisible to us.

One universal human phenomenon is that the more a phonomena analyzed the more complex it typically becomes. About scale in the universe and the outer edge of spacetime, there is a universal boundary that is defined within our frame of reference as the horizon at which the expansion of spacetime exceeds the speed of light, so that light traveling towards earth from the other side cannot "cross the speed boundary" and will never reach us. .

I agree in many ways the more we analyze a phenomenon the more complex it typically becomes. This makes sense if we our forming our own spacetime geometry or future. A mathematician will form his own infinities in his mathematic because of this process and no theory will ever be able to explain everything.


Sunday, 15 January 2012

The God of Cantor, Pythagoras and Plato

Cantor, Pythagoras and Plato believed numbers were externally existing realities in the mind of God.

This blog puts forward the idea that the abstract mathematics of Cantor’s continuum hypothesis and his work on infinities represents the continuum of time as a physical process.

Time is infinite if we have a number line representing the time line we will have an infinity of numbers (quanta) along that time line. But at each number or moment we will have a far greater infinity of irrational numbers representing the possibilities of what could happened.

In this theory “Quantum Atom Theory” each new light photon oscillation represents a new moment in time as a process of continuous energy exchange.

Each new light photon oscillation represents zero representing a new moment in time (the moment of now) with the positive numbers marching off towards an infinite future, their negative numbers recede towards a limitless past (the positive and negative of EMW).

This process forms the continuous flow of electromagnetic fields the electric fields will always be at right-angles to the magnetic fields forming the local spacetime geometry in three dimensional space.

This gives us a physical reason why the imaginary numbers extend out on a number line at right-angles to the real number line. The imaginary numbers of quantum mechanics represent part of a physical process with the complex number representing the potential position of a potential future event.

This is only possible because in Einstein’s theories of relativity we have an infinite number of reference frames each one having a rate that time flows relative to the energy or mass of that reference frame.

In this theory energy and mass (you and me) slows the rate that time flow forming their own potential future probability within their own created reference frame.

Link to the video “A quantum field theory that explains the arrow of time

Each object or observer will have their own arrow of time or time line within their own reference frame as part of a process of continuous energy exchange, continuous change.

This theory gives us an objective understanding of quantum mechanics that Einstein always believed was possible. Quantum physics represents the physical process that we see and feel as the flow of time.

It also gives us an objective understanding to Cantor’s continuum hypothesis and his work on infinities.

Cantor found a hierarchy and structure to infinity as we approach greater and greater numbers we depart from infinity. Mathematical infinity has this property because the greater the number the fewer (relatively) are the squares contained in them. But the squares in infinity cannot be less than the totality of all the numbers.

This can make sense if we think of infinity as a physical process that forms the eternity of time. Each new moment in time is formed by a new photon oscillation forming a sphere of probability or wave function that we can calculate as a square of probability from its radius.

The axiom of choice that we have in Cantor’s set theory is the choice of where and when to collapse the wave function into a new moment of time!
Therefore we have free-will within our own reference frame and because this process is universal and we have an infinite number of reference frames we have an infinity of possibilities!


Sunday, 1 January 2012

An artist interpretation of quantum mechanics and the physics of time as a physical process

Until the beginning of the 20th century, time was believed to be independent of motion, progressing at a fixed rate in all reference frames. Then came Einstein’s theories on relativity and the rate that time flowed was relative to the energy or mass of each individual reference frame. Quantum Atom Theory unites relativity and quantum mechanics by explaining time as a physical process of energy exchange, continuous change that we see and feel as the flow of time itself and can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

A solution to the problem of interpretation of quantum mechanics consists in providing some form of plausible picture. This theory gives us a new perception of time and causality, upon which most of the established formulations of physics are built. In this theory instead of having the many-worlds of Hugh Everett or many dimensions of String Theory we have many reference frames. Therefore we only need three dimensions and one variable time. This is because the reference frames and time as a variable has already been explained by Einstein in his theories on relativity.


In many ways this theory is just an extension of Einstein’s relativity extended to everyday objects and observers.

Quantum Atom Theory is based on just two simple postulates

1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function Ψ explained by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π or Arrow of Time itself photon by photon. It is a probability wave of a potential future event within an individual reference frame.

2. The second is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event.

The physics of quantum mechanics represents the flow of time itself! The absorption and emission of light forms what we see and feel as the flow of time. A continuous exchange of energy a process of continuous changes forms the time continuum.

Electromagnetic light waves will collapse into new photon-oscillations when they come into contact with the electrons of atoms of any object. Therefore the atoms of the hand and eye will collapse the wave function just like any other object, by physically coming into contact with the waves.

The forward momentum of light is forming a blank canvas for each individual observer that they can participate in. Therefore in this theory we have fee-will to create our own future!


Consciousness as the most advanced part of this universal process forms the intent, but it is physical action that collapses the w-function within each individual reference frame.

In this theory the geometry or curvature of spacetime is formed by time running slower around objects of great energy or mass. Objects just free-fall towards the greatest energy or mass because it has the slowest rate or flow of time. We have 4π in the equations of Quantum Mechanics ∆×∆p×≥h/4π representing the spherical geometry that forms this curvature. The Ψ quantum wave particle function is an inverse sphere and we have the inverse square law of gravity because of this dynamic geometry.

This is a process the Ψ quantum wave particle function (explained by Schrödinger’s wave equation) forms the flow of time forming the future potential uncertainty Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle with the flow of entropy.

It is the spherical symmetry of the Ψ wave-function that forms the organization for the spontaneous continuous universal disorganization of entropy that we see in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Instead of having time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π beginning with a Big Bang we have a dynamic continuous process the two dimensional surface of the spherical Ψ wave-function forms the boundary area that we see and feel as the two dimensions of a future and a past forming an infinity of possibilities within an infinite number of reference frames!