Monday 21 October 2013

The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment explained as a process over a period of time that is based on cause and effect.

 This video explaining the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment.  
This is by far the strangest and most thought provoking experiments in physics! The data from this experiment has caused some to say that the delayed choice to observe or not observe the path of the idler photon will change the outcome of an event in the past.
The past being represented by the detector D zero! But I believe the data only highlights that we have no fundamental understanding of why we have a past that can never be changed and a future that is always uncertain.
This video will explain a logical explanation of this experiment using a new theory in which light is a wave and only a particle when it comes in contact with the electrons of an object. This forms an interactive process with new photons continuously being formed relative to the position and momentum of the atoms.
As an artist I am outside of the scientific community so any help you can give in promoting this theory will be gratefully welcomed please subscribe on YouTube, share and rate!    
Link to videos on this theory:
Someone asked if this theory broke the  "Conservation Law" this is my reply:
 The "Conservation Law" is not broken in this theory, in the experiment once the light is sent through the two slits no energy is created or destroyed. We have a process of energy exchange relative to the objects (Atoms) of the experiment. We have the spontaneous absorption and emission of light or stimulated emission. Even when light waves form constructive and destructive interference forming an interference pattern there is no energy created or destroyed. 

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