Thursday 2 January 2014

This is an invitation to join the promotion of an artist theory on the physics of 'time' as a physical process!

This is an invitation to join the promotion of an artist theory on 'time' as a physical process please subscribe and share!  In this theory the wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer. This forms an interactive process continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual!  I believe this is what we are seeing when we see an artist at work we are seeing new light photon oscillations or vibrations continuously coming into existence relative to the actions of the artist, a continuous flow of cause and effect. This revolutionary theory will change our view of the Universe and our place within it explaining a greater reality of one creative principle behind the laws of physics forming something like the sounding board of a musical instrument that resonates with the vibrations of one's own thoughts, efforts and actions! As an artist I am outside of the scientific community so any help you can give in promoting this theory will be gratefully welcomed please subscribe, share and rate!   

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