Monday 30 January 2017

The Atoms Explained as Standing Waves in Time with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming the process of energy exchange that we see, feel and try to measure as the passage or continuum of time.

I use the words ‘standing waves’ in this video because the electron probability cloud that surrounds the atom is restricted.

We have interactive process with these electrons and the spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming the ever-changing world of our everyday life. This is a process of energy exchange relative to the atoms of the periodic table because the electrons are standing waves of probability restricted by the positive nucleus of the atom. The prime example of this process is photon energy cascading down from the Sun with the future unfolding photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment.  This forms greater degrees of freedom for entropy or disorganization and greater degrees of freedom for the complexity and diversity of plant life. Each photon oscillation or vibration only occurs once, but the process of energy exchange is continuously forming what we see, feel and try to measure as the passage or
continuum of time.


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