Friday 10 February 2017

One equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ one universal process of energy exchange formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy.

This Theory can be represented mathematically by just one equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ with energy ∆E equals mass ∆M linked to the Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time. The Lorentz contraction ˠ represents the time dilation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. 

 We have energy ∆E slowing the rate that time ∆t flows as a universal process of energy exchange or continuous creation. Mass will increase relative to this process with the c² represents the speed of light c radiating out in a sphere 4π of EMR from its radius forming a square c² of probability. This forms the probability and uncertainty of everyday life and at the smallest scale of the process is represented mathematically by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π. 

 The brackets in the equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ represent a dynamic boundary condition of an
individual reference frame with an Arrow of Time for each frame of reference. The infinity ∞ symbol represents an infinite number of dynamic interactive reference frames that are continuously coming in and
out of existence. At the most fundamental level this is a process of spherical 4π symmetry forming and breaking with the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons acting like the
bits or zeros and ones of a computer forming an interactive process relative to the atoms of the periodic table. 

 In such a theory, the future is continuously unfolding photon by photon with wave particle duality continuously forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! We have the holographic principle with the information of a three-dimensional process unfolding in the
form of the two dimensional inner concaved and outer convexed surface of
the sphere with the movement of positive and negative charge.

By using the holographic principle in this way the extra dimensions of String Theory can be explained as just future possibilities and opportunities in our one three-dimensional Universe of continuous energy exchange, continuous creation. 

 The same dynamic spherical geometry can be seen with electromagnetism and gravity sharing the inverse square law representing the geometry of this universal process with gravitation being a secondary force to electromagnetism.

Link to video:


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