Friday 23 November 2018

What is the difference between a living tree and a dead tree?

Can living systems be reduced down to the laws of physics?
 Because all life, even the most complex intelligent life, is based on the same process of cell reproduction, if we can reduce plant life down to a physics process that can be explained by physics we can do it with all life. 

To do this we need to know the difference between a living system and a non living or innate object at the most fundamental level. To explain this we are going to look at the difference between a living tree and a dead tree. 

This is because plant life is simpler than animal life and interacts in a more direct way with the light of sun and the atoms of the soil. Also a tree has no overall commanded centre as we have in the form of a brain. 

 This makes it more simple to explain, but also more incredible that we can have such complexity and diversity without a central command centre.

Link to the video: What is the difference between a living tree and a dead tree?

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