Tuesday 15 February 2022

Temporal and Geometrical association between Light and Gravity

Both gravitational fields and electromagnetic fields work at the speed of light and they both share the Inverse Square Law. This points very strongly towards them both being based on the same geometrical process. If we could link the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force together, we would also link Einstein’s General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics. This is because the light photon of Quantum Mechanics is the carrier of electromagnetic fields. This video puts forward a simple geometrical process based on spherical 4π symmetry that explains Quantum Uncertainty ∆×∆pᵪ ≥ h/4π, electrical potential and gravitational potential with an emergent future unfolding ∆E=hf photon by photon relative to the energy and momentum or actions of each object. The interior of a sphere 4π will naturally form three-dimensional space.

In this theory, time and space are part of an emergent process with spherical geometry forming the dynamic curvature of spacetime in Einstein’s General Relativity. Light has spherical symmetry in zero gravity this can be seen on the International Space Station. The spherical inner concave surface and the outer convex surface can form a dynamic two-dimensional boundary condition for the movement of positive & negative charge. Whenever anything changes in our everyday life, there is an exchange of light photon energy ∆E=hf and the movement of charge. When objects touch, it is charge that makes contact. Whenever the atoms bond and break there is an exchange of photon energy and the movement of charge.

The idea of spherical geometry originates with Huygens’ Principle of 1670: ‘Every point on a wave front may be considered a source of secondary spherical wave, which spreads out in the forward direction at the speed of light’. The electron is squared e² because the process in relatives to the two dimensional spherical surface. This is like saying; we have to square the radius r² of the sphere. The same spherical geometry forms the Inverse Square Law that electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields.

We have one universal process with the quantum wave particle function ψ² the electron e² and the speed of light c² all being squared forming the Inverse Square Law of EM and gravity. The light photon ∆E=hf and the electron are different aspects of the same geometrical process. This is represented with both the electron e² and the speed of light c² being squared. Because of this geometrical process even if no work is done on the electron it still has an energy equal to E=MC².

 This forms part of a continuous process because the absorption and emission of light is spontaneous. Light waves are continuously interacting with the electrons forming photon electron couplings or dipole moments. We can think of this as a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. When the spherical 4π symmetry breaks, it has the potential to form the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the spiral. 

This process also forms extra degrees of freedom for statistical entropy or disorganization with heat energy spontaneously flowing from hot to cold objects. In this theory, entropy does not form the Arrow of Time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. Nothing has lower entropy than a sphere 4π and the absorption of light always comes before the emission relative to the reference frame of the object or life form that is radiating the light. This forms a direction in time with an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future that is not totally random. There is a built in potential forever-greater symmetry formation this can be seen in cell life and in the potential forever more abstract mathematics.



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