Thursday 24 March 2022

Physicists Says 'Quantum Gravity' Could Emerge From a Holographic Universe

A new mathematical paper describes the emergence of gravity within a so-called 'holographic' model of the Universe.


Some theories like String Theory involve adding unseen dimensions wrapped up in mind-bending geometries.


The holographic principle used by this research actually takes dimensions away.


This make it a lot simpler to work with and understand.


In the research all the information telling particles how to push and pull together, is encoded on something like a flat surface within our three dimensional space.


This new paper mixes different models governing the nature of particles wave duality and how it transforms in fields within a holographic setting.


 This gives the researchers a mathematical equivalent of gravity working as a natural outcome of these interactions.


However Elegant the mathematics might be, the kind of boundary necessary for the holographic principle is an open question that is not answered by this research.


I will place a link here to videos that explains a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking that forms three-dimensional space with the spherical surface forming a boundary condition for the holographic principle.


The inner concaved surface forms a manifold for negative charge and the outer surface forms a manifold for positive charge with the exchange of photon energy continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain future. 🎲    

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