Sunday 1 May 2022

Near Death Experiences and New Physics

References: A Last-Second Surge of Brain Activity Could Explain Near-Death Experiences

Near-death sightings of light at the end of a tunnel may be related to the 30 seconds of activity in rats’ brains after their hearts stop


Consciousness and higher spatial dimensions

Do higher spatial dimensions hold the key to solving the hard problem of consciousness?

Peter Sjöstedt-H | Research Fellow and Associate Lecturer in University of Exeter's Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology Department


Scientific American, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?

Philosopher Philip Goff answers questions about “panpsychism”


The origin of consciousness

A new method for determining how and when consciousness evolved

Simona Ginsburg | Associate Professor at the Open University of Israel, where she developed and headed the MA Program in Biological Thought.

Eva Jablonka | Professor at the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel-Aviv University.

Anna Zeligowski | Illustrator (see below) for Evolution in Four Dimensions, MIT Press


I have place ‘references’ at the top because this subject matter can seem ‘way out’. But it is my firm belief that these experiences can be taken out of philosophy and metaphysics and can become part of physics. What is needed is a deeper understanding of ‘time’ and how the future unfolds at the most fundamental level.     




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