Friday 6 May 2022

Shut up and calculate or watch this video

Like me, you are probably not satisfied with the idea of light being a particle and a wave at the same time.

These videos offer an alternative with light being a wave over a period of time with particles characteristics as the future unfolds relative to the atoms of the periodic table.


Quantum Mechanics represents the process that forms temporal causality.


   In other words, the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of 'time' as a geometrical process.


The spontaneous absorption and emission of light is continuously forming a probabilistic future by changing photon ∆E=hf potential energy into the kinetic energy of electrons.     


Kinetic energy is the energy that is actually happening and it is this continuous exchange and transformation of energy from potential to kinetic that forms the arrow of time within each reference frame.


 The mathematics represents geometry, the Planck Constant ħ=h/2π is linked to 2π circular geometry representing a two dimensional aspect of 4π spherical three-dimensional geometry. We have to square the wave function Ψ² representing the radius being squared r² because the process is relative to the two-dimensional spherical 4π surface. We then see 4π in Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π representing our probabilistic temporal three dimensions life.



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