Friday 22 July 2022

My pencil drawing of Einstein and my Theoretical Theory

I believe we need to go back to mathematics that represents the geometry of three-dimensional space with one variable in the form of time.

Spherical geometry can give us this, because an interior of a sphere is naturally three-dimensional. The two dimensional surface can form a boundary condition for the movement of positive and negative charge.

The light photon ∆E=hf forms the movement of charge with potential energy continuously transforming into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons.

As a process of continuous energy exchange, forming continuous change, the spherical 4π surface forms what we measure as a ‘period of time’ relative to the atoms of the periodic table.

Within each reference frame, the absorption of light will always come before and emission, forming an ‘Arrow of Time’ with an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future that is relative to the energy and momentum of our actions.  

If you find this logical, please sub and share it will help the promotion of this theory.


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