Wednesday 10 August 2022

Inertia is Gravity in Motion (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ infinite potential within a sph...

Inertia is gravity in motion, by this I mean that they are both formed by the same process. We have to increase the energy of an object to form acceleration and this forms inertia in the direction of motion. This is because objects radiate light relative to their energy and momentum. As a process of energy exchange, light photons ∆E=hf are continuously transforming potential energy, into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. We have the potential energy of what might happen continuously changing into the kinetic energy, of what is actually happening, forming inertia in the direction of motion. This is process of spherical 4π symmetry forming and breaking. The surface of the sphere forms a two dimensional manifold for the movement of positive and negative charge that forms Holographic Principle. The information of our three dimensions is encoded on this manifold with an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future unfolding with the exchange of photon energy. Gravity is an emergent secondary force of this spherical 4π geometry. Newton Law tells us how the force between two masses acts as a function of the distance goes like one over R squared, this is because the surface of a sphere grows as a function of the distance, this geometrical process naturally forms the Inverse Square Law of EM and gravity. The wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons are forming an interactive process that we can interact with, forming a future relative to our actions. References: Quantized Inertia - Hypothesis Explaining the Universe Or Pseudoscience? How quantised inertia gets rid of dark matter | Mike McCulloch | TEDx Plymouth University Dr Mike McCulloch explains Quantised Inertia to Crawley Astronomical Society A sketched introduction to quantised inertia. Dr Mike McCulloch: How a unification of relativity & quantum mechanics gets rid of dark matter. Paper 1 (Unruh Radiation): Paper 2 (Quantised Inertia and EM Drive): Video by Sixty Minutes that explains Casimir effect: Dr Mike McCulloch, Quantised Inertia explains away dark energy, have you seen his work? It is based on the Casimir effect and the idea of an event horizon of Relativity. Quantized Inertia – Hypothesis Dr Mike McCulloch Physics from the Edge: Quantized inertia: https://xor-easter-wikipedia.neocitie... Entropic gravity, also known as emergent gravity Galaxy rotations from quantised inertia and visible matter only: Inertia & Gravity from Conservation of EMI McCulloch, M.E., 2016. Quantised inertia from relativity and the uncertainty principle. EPL, 115, 69001. ~

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