Wednesday 9 November 2022

Antiparticles travelling backwards in time? Feynman Diagram representing...

The diagrams of this video represent a photon creating an electron positron pair at point a, with the positron, the antiparticle of the electron, being annihilated at point b. In mainstream physics some people have said that the zigzag track can represent the world line with the positron traveling backwards in time between point b and a. This is represented by time being an upward direction in the diagram with the line representing the positron pointing downwards. By placing a circle over a Feynman Diagram representing an emergent light sphere 4π radiating out from a to b, there is no particle traveling backwards in time. In this theory each photon electron coupling or forms a new moment in time that has the dynamic geometry of space-time. Time in not an upward direction in the diagram it emerges spherically with the interior of the sphere forming three-dimensional space. The annihilation of antimatter represents the past with the wave front representing a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future. Photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic energy of matter in the form of electrons. Kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy is the energy of what is actually happening as the future unfolds. ~ References: Is anti-matter matter going backwards in time? Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time By Paul Sutter published March 16, 2022 This Is The One Symmetry That The Universe Must Never Violate Antimatter Antiparticle Quantum field theory ~

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