Wednesday 23 November 2022

The Evolving Block Universe reformulated by Spherical Geometry

In this theory, each 'slice' of the Evolving Block Universe is formed by spherical geometry. Instead of having a block we have spherical geometry with the surface forming the evolving slice that is always at right angles to each object.

The interior of the sphere is naturally 3D and the 2D surface forms the so-called 4D of time. The outward momentum of light radiating out from each object forms the direction and force for the characteristics of time for that object.

The two-dimensional surface forms a manifold for positive and negative charge. The exchange of photon energy forms the movement of charge.

Photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’.

This geometrical process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy is continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.

By using spherical geometry, we only need three dimensions there is no need for the extra dimensions or parallel universes of String Theory. 

Extra info:

The spherical surface forms a fourth dimension or 4D space that is perpendicular to the X, Y and Z directions of our three-dimensional space or 3D space at the same moment in time. Because of this geometry, there is no need for the extra dimensions or parallel universes of String Theory. 

This theory is based on Conformal Geometry, only angles are important the size of the spherical symmetry is unimportant. 

In quantum mechanics, the wave-particle function ψ² is squared with the probability of detection, being proportional to the square of the field strength. We have a process that is squared because of a geometrical (spherical) process; we have to square the radius r² because the process is relative to the spherical surface

The speed of the process, the speed of light, is squared c² with the electron e² is squared representing the photon ∆E=hf and electron being different aspects of the same geometrical process.

The Planck constant is linked with 2π as in h/2π because of a geometrical process. The 2π represents the diameter of the sphere

The characteristics of time radiate out from the centre of the sphere 4π forming an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.

Temperature is microscopic kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy therefore we can have the constant Kʙ=1/4πɛ˳ because of simple spherical 4π geometry. 

We have the constant ½ in the equation for kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy, in the dynamic geometry of this theory this is because the radius is always ½ the diameter of the sphere. The velocity is squared v² because the radius r² is squared.

Charge is an innate part of all matter; therefore, this process can be universal. We have the build-up and organization of charge relative the membrane of each living cell within us. This theory gives us a geometrical reason why charge comes in two types, positive and negative; it is because the spherical surface is two-dimensional. The concaved inner surface forms the characteristics of negative charge and the outer surface forms positive charge.

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