Friday 4 November 2022

Why faster than light speed, lasers and shadows on the Moon. Superlumina...

We live in a Universe where it is possible just by turning a laser half a degree, a person can sweep a laser beam of light from one side of the Moon to the other with an apparent speed faster than the speed of light.

The reason this is possible is not because of our great technology in designing lasers.

It is a natural process based on the dynamic geometry of the Universe.

The same process can be seen with a shadow, if we make a shadow large enough it can move across a surface faster than the speed of light.  

We can think of a shadow as the absence of light, dark is replaced by newly formed light and so it disappears at the same speed as new unblocked light photons are formed.

All this can seem very paradoxical and even illogical, because in Einstein’s theory of special relativity, the speed of light is the maximum speed of causality, the maximum speed of cause and effect in our Universe. 

But there is a simple physical explanation that can make all this logical.

 And that is, if we have a probabilistic uncertain future coming it existence with the exchange of photon energy relative to the atoms of the periodic table. Because we are made of atoms the process is relative to the energy and momentum of are action. 

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