Wednesday 25 January 2023

Could the potential for consciousness arises out of electromagnetic fields

Most mainstream science will tell you that Consciousness is a by-product of the physical brain and that chemical activity in the brain forms conscious awareness.

But chemical reactions are based on physical interaction, whenever the bonds between the atoms form or break there is an exchange of photon energy so all branches of chemistry stem from physics.

In physics, the photon represents the particle aspect of light and is the carrier for electromagnetic fields.

The wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons could form an emergent physical structure for conscious awareness to arise.

We can have electromagnetic waves with new photons coming into existence when the waves interact with electrons of atoms, forming a probabilistic uncertain future.  

Light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic E=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons.

Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually happening.

This emergent electromagnetic activity would be fundamental to how the brain produces consciousness in a similar way to how electromagnetic waves are fundamental to how a radio produces music.

The fact that light has momentum and momentum is frame dependent could give us a physical reason why conscious awareness is always in the centre of its own reference fame, in ‘the moment of now’ being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars.

 In this theory, conscious awareness is the most advanced part of a universal process and is an integral part of the dynamic structure of the Universe. 

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