Saturday 7 January 2023

How can light be a particle and a wave – Einstein Dream a Wave Particle ...

Einstein believed that if we had a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics light would have wave and particle characteristics.

One way that this could be possible is that the particle or photon characteristics of light is a property of the interaction of light with matter.

In this theory, light radiates out as spherical waves and only has particles or photons characteristics when the waves comes in contact or interacts with something.

Only energy is transferred by waves, light waves transfer photon energy with the absorption and emission of light.

Light has momentum and momentum is frame dependent, therefore we have a reference frame for each object within the process.

Photon electron couplings or interactions are forming an outward vector relative to each object.

This forms a process of change relative to the energy and momentum of each object with an uncertain probabilistic future coming into existence with the exchange of photon energy.

The mathematics of Quantum Mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ with the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons forming a blank canvas that we can interact with forming a future relative to our actions.

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