Friday 28 April 2023

Schrodinger’s equation Ψ² an objective temporal quantum theory

I had a comment on a video that said: In quantum mechanics, the link between time and space is more clear and stronger than classical mechanics. Schrodinger’s equation consists of two sides which are equal, one of them is dependent on x,y and z (or) r and two angles, the second side is dependent on time only. It is understood because nothing in the universe is in rest, everything is in motion. This is my reply: I don't disagree with this, but if we had a deeper understanding of time ∆t it might explain away the paradoxes of QM. It is more logical that the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ itself relative to the atoms of the periodic table. With classical physics representing processes over a ‘period of time’, as in Newton’s differential equations. The wave function Ψ² that is represented by Schrodinger’s equation forms the forward passage of time itself within an individual reference frame. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light is continuously forming a probabilistic future that is coming into existence with the exchange of photon ∆E=hf energy.
Whenever our world changes photon ∆E=hf potential energy is converted into the kinetic energy Eₖ=½mv² of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion as the future unfolds. Within this process, our probabilistic future is represented mathematically by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π, between position and momentum and ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π, energy and time. Whenever our world changes there is the absorption and emission of light.

The wave-particle duality of light and matter (electrons) is continuously forming a blank canvas forming a probabilistic future.
The atoms (us) interact with this process forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of their actions. Within this process, the Planck constant h/2π is a constant of action.

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