Wednesday 5 April 2023

Why the Speed of Light is Finite

New video: Why the Speed of Light is Finite
Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of 'Time' 36.8K subscribers
In this theory the speed of light c is finite because it is part of a process that forms an uncertain probabilistic future unfolding with the exchange of light photon ∆E=hf energy. 
It is logical that the speed of light is the maximum speed of causality if we have an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future continuously coming into existence with the exchange of light photon energy. Within such a process light from a moving object arrives at an observer at velocity c (not v + c)

Photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic energy of matter in the form of electrons. Kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy is the energy of motion; it is the energy of what is actually happening as the future unfolds. There is always the absorption and emission of light whenever our everyday world changes with motion based on cause and effect.
Therefore, it is logical that nothing could travel faster than the speed of the process that forms the characteristics of three-dimensional space and time. Therefore, the speed of light is the maximum speed of causality. 

Even sound is based on an exchange of light photon energy. Life interacts with the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of its actions.

The best way to comprehend this is to think of the atoms of the periodic table as standing waves in time with spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming what we measure as a ‘passage of time’. 

The mathematics of quantum mechanics represent the physics of time with classical physics represents processes over a ‘period of time’ as in Newton's differential equations.

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