Monday 17 July 2023

A new concept of time for a new Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

This is the most intuitive and logical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics you will ever find. The Universe is explained as a process of continuous energy exchange, continuous creation. The electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force all have their part to play within this process. In such a process the mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of ‘time’ as a geometrical process with classical physics representing processes over a period of time as in Newton’s differential equations. What we see and feel as ‘time’ is formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy. In such a theory we would have an emergent future unfolding with each photon electron coupling or dipole moment. The wave-particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas that we can interact with! We are always in ‘the moment of now’ in the centre of our own reference frame as an interactive part of this process!

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