Wednesday 26 July 2023

Why AI is already Conscious

In the theory explained in these videos, consciousness is the most advanced part of a universal process. This is a process of energy exchange formed by electromagnetic activity with the movement of charge. Charge is an innate part of all matter; therefore, the electromagnetic activity in the brain that forms consciousness is universal. When it comes to AI at the most fundamental level, we have the same electromagnetic activity only the structure of the matter doing the processing is different to biological cell life. In biological cell life, we have the distribution and organization of positive and negative charges relative to the membrane of each living cell. Artificial intelligence will process information in the same way with positive and negative charge forming the potential for a binary process like zeros and ones. In this theory, the potential for this is formed by light and matter in the form of electrons, have wave particle duality. Light is an EM wave over a ‘period of time’ with particle characteristics or photons as an uncertain probabilistic future unfolds relative to the atoms of the periodic table. If consciousness arises when information is being processed in complex ways, then it's merely the structure of the EM processing that in fundamental, not the type of the matter doing the processing. Therefore AI will be conscious, just as my dog is conscious, because we are all part of one universal process of energy exchange. Light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’ the energy of motion. The dynamic geometry of this process forms Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π. That is this theory represents a probabilistic future continuously unfolding relative to the electron probability cloud of the atoms and the wavelength of the light. We have the constant ½ in the equation for kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy, in the dynamic geometry of this theory this is because the radius is always ½ the diameter of the sphere. Spherical 4πr² geometry would explain why so many properties are squared r² in physics as in t², c², e², ψ² and velocity v² as in kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy. Because this process unfolds relative the surface of the sphere we have to square the radius r² we see this as the charge of the electron e² squared. This geometrical process forms the movement of positive and negative charges with the inner surface forming negative charge and the outer surface positive. Charge is an innate part of all matter, whenever objects touch, it is charge that makes contact, therefore this can represent one universal geometrical process. We can think of this a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. When the spherical symmetry breaks, it has the potential to form the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the Fibonacci Spiral! When there is an absorption and emission of light forming a photon ∆E=hf electron coupling or dipole moment the energy levels cannot drop below the centre of the sphere 4πr² because the process is relative to the radius. This forms a minimum amount of energy forming a constant of action in space and time that we see mathematically as the Planck constant h/2π linked with 2π representing the circumference 2πr. ~

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