Wednesday 8 November 2023

Origin of the Fibonacci Spiral from Atomic Physics of spherical electron...

In this video we have a drawing of a simple atom with an electron sphere 4πr² of probability around the nucleus of the atom. When light waves interact with the spherical surface, we have to square the radius r². We see this in physics as the probability particle wave function squared Ψ² and the charge of the electron-squared e² and the speed of the process-squared c² the speed of light. When we have the absorption of light the energy levels drop, but they cannot drop below the nucleus of the atom. This process forms the Planck constant h divided by 2π representing the circumference at the smallest part of the process. When this happens, we also have a geometrical constant in the form of the golden rectangle. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light can form a repartition with photon ∆E=hf energy levels cascading down with energy levels changing based on the same geometry. This forms the potential for the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the Fibonacci Spiral. Another way to visualizing this is that the radiating energy is always at right angles to the surface of the sphere. The speed of the process squared c². We have a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking therefore the spiral geometry of everyday life is never perfect. The broken symmetry forms uncertainty ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π with a probabilistic future unfolding photon by photon with each photon electron interaction. Please subscribe and share it will help the promotion of this theory
References: A reason for the Fibonacci Spiral in Nature How the Universe forms complexity out of the simplicity of spherical geometry. Conformal Geometry representing a Geometrical Universe Nikola Tesla's message from the grave - the Hidden Geometry of Light Self-Organization Tutorial Stuart Kauffman - Is the World Self-Organizing? Huygens’ Principle of 1670 Spherical electron Spherical harmonics Huygens Principle and the Fundamental Geometry of the Universe Could spherical geometry be fundamental to the dynamics of our Universe? Have we Discovered Only Half of Physics? The Hidden Supersymmetry Is Symmetry Fundamental to Reality? Gauge Theory has an Answer Why atoms are the Universe’s greatest miracle A new interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, 20.8K members Quantum Atom Theory 27K likes • 28K followers Fibonacci Spiral in Nature and Mathematics THEORETICAL PHYSICS PREVIOUSLY QUANTUM ART AND POETRY

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