Saturday 15 June 2024

3D flower of Life ~ Terrance Howard Sacred Geometry right or wrong theor...

There has been a lot of talk on YouTube about the Flower of Life being three-dimensional. This video explains how this could be possible. For the flower of life and sacred geometry as a whole to arise out of a three-dimensional process all it would take is spherical geometry to form naturally in the Universe and to precede everything. Every interaction in our everyday life, every change in our three dimensional world would have to originate from spherical geometry.

This is possible based on Huygens’ Principle of 1670. That explains light as a spherical wave and says:
“Every point on a light wave front has the potential for a new spherical 4πr² light wave".

Each point can be considered as a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction, vibrating and resonating forming a new spherical wave front.

The interior of the sphere naturally forms the characteristics of three-dimensional space with the spherical 4πr² surface acting as a two dimensional boundary condition or manifold for positive and negative charge and what we experience as time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π.

The uncertainty ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π that we encountered in daily life arises out of an exchange of photon energy upon the curvature of this manifold.

This can be explained as a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking forming greater degrees of freedom for statistical entropy and the irreversible processes of classical physics. Such as heat energy always spontaneously flowing from hot to cold and friction always changing motion into heat.

This geometrical process forms the broken imperfect symmetry of our everyday life with the potential for the formation of evermore complexity. Forming the geometry and driving force, momentum, for cell life.

Forming not just the imperfect complexity of nature but also the potential for evermore-abstract mathematics.

In its most, perfect form, this geometrical process can be seen as Sacred Geometry with the Flower of Life.

In this theory, gravity is resonance emerging from the interactions between light photons ∆E=hf energy of electromagnetic fields and the electron sphere 4πr² encircling the atomic nucleus. The electrons e² of atoms are temporal standing waves in time, and their interaction with spherical light waves generates particle characteristics and resonance, manifesting as photon-electron coupling or a dipole moment. This interaction slightly alters our three-dimensional reality by converting potential photon energy into the kinetic energy of matter Eₖ=½mv², forming a constantly evolving probabilistic ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.

As this dynamic spherical geometry radiates out, it forms the inverse square law of electromagnetic and gravitational fields with time, gravity, inertia and mass being emergent properties.

Within this geometrical process of energy exchange, the kinetic energy of motion forms the characteristics of inertial mass.


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