Saturday 8 June 2024

Pre Terrence Howard Spiral Periodic Table of Elements.

This is a pre Terrence Howard, 2013 video, with Hydrogen at the centre of a Spiral Periodic Table with the noble gases and the different groups of elements radiating out like spokes from the centre of a wheel. In the traditional Periodic Table there is a problem of where to place Hydrogen and Helium they can be placed on the left hand side because of their electron configuration or they can be placed on the right hand side. But by placing Hydrogen in the centre of a spiral we solve this problem. Also by having a periodic spiral we place the groups of elements that can undergo Ionic bonding together on either side of the noble gases, We have had many different types of Periodic Tables in the past. In 1865 the English chemist John Newlands formed a periodic table where elements with similar physical and chemical properties recurred at intervals of eight, which he likened to the octaves of Western and Indian music. This became known as the law of the octaves but it only worked up to the element calcium. Newly discovered elements further down the periodic table would not fit into the octave structure. This theory can explain a reason for this it is because the spiral symmetry is formed out of the broken symmetry of a sphere and as we go down the Periodic Table the spiral symmetry becomes more broken and the elements become less stable. Only in three dimensions can we see the true beauty and wave like nature of the periodic table. Each wave forms a period with elements that have similar properties having a similar position within each wave.

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