Friday 6 September 2024

The Future Does Not Exist But Time Exists

This is a light cone diagram each individual life form can be placed in the centre of this diagram. The centre represents ‘the moment of now’ with the top part of the diagram representing a probabilistic future that is coming into existence with each light photon electron interaction. Therefore, the future does not exist and consciousness remains in ‘the moment of now’ in the centre of its own reference frame. In this theory, we can only make predictions about the future, but we have free will and can change the future based on our choice of actions in the here and now. The absorption and emission of light photon energy comes before any changes in are ever changing world. Therefore, any action we make will form new photon electron coupling forming new waves of probability with a future coming into existence based on those actions. The lower part of the diagram represents a past that has gone forever as a process of continuous photon energy exchange. All we have is a memory of the past that we are experiencing here and now. Because time emerges locally and relative to each object or observer, we can look back in time in every direction at the beauty of the stars. If you like these ideas, please sub and share, it will help the promotion of this theory.

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