Saturday 28 April 2018

Loop Quantum Cosmology LQC Explained [2]

In Loop Quantum Cosmology we have
the avoidance of the ugly big
bang singularity
and this gives rise to the Big Bounce Theory. Each big bounce has
a quantum bridge
between contracting and expanding cosmological branches that looks a lot like
an entry point to a past history that existed before the big bang. This is
achieved by making spacetime quantized this means that we can only have the subdivision of planck lengths
into fixed minimal
building blocks. Two points in space can have a distance of one, two, three or
more Planck lengths,
but they cannot be one and a half, or two-thirds of a Planck length apart. This
is very important when it comes to the idea of a big bang because at that point in space and time
everything in the observable Universe today would have been concentrated to a diameter
of a few Planck lengths. And that region would contract to zero volume and the
density would becomes infinite
forming what is called a singularity. This singularity is the reason why the Big Bang is seen as the
beginning of the universe. But quantized spacetime prevents the contraction of space going to
zero volume and infinite density does not occur. Therefore instead of having a
big bang singularity we have a Big Bounce in which the universe follows infinite
self-sustaining cycles following an eternal series of oscillations.

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