Sunday 6 May 2018

The Cosmology of Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of time.

Link to the video: The Cosmology of Quantum Atom Theory  

  The spherical Universe that can also be infinite and eternal.
In this theory it is because we have an emergent process that the spontaneous absorption and emission of photon energy is equivalent to the big bang or the big bounce in the cyclic cosmological models. When I use the word equivalent I mean based on the same continuous geometrical process. Just as we have photon energy levels cascading down from the sun forming greater degrees of freedom for entropy and greater degrees of freedom for the complexity and diversity of cell life. We also have photon energy levels cascading down from the big bang representing an apex or beginning in our time line seen from are line of sight from the centre of the observable Universe. But this in no way represents the beginning of the Universe that is infinite and eternal in this theory. 

Cosmological arrow of time.

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