Monday 16 May 2022

Free Will explained by an emergent process – Time

This theory explains a deeper concept of time, taking ‘the moment of now’ out of the subjective world and explaining it as part of a physical process, by using physics. We know a great deal about the mechanisms of physical reality but nothing about the nature of our immediate experience. Science can explain the wavelength of blue light, but says nothing about the experience of a glorious blue sky. So what is the missing connection between our understanding of the physical and our stream of consciousness awareness. Einstein used to ask the question, what kind of Universe would God create. There is nothing wrong with this question as long as you base your research on logic, reason and experiments. This theory has come to the conclusion shared by many spiritual traditions, that consciousness is universal in all of physical existence. That an interactive process between the light of the electromagnetic spectrum and the atoms of the periodic table have evolved to form the depth and richness of conscious awareness. We have a continuous process of energy exchange forming our ever-changing world with an emergent future unfolding photon by photon. The wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons forms a blank canvas that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual. This is like saying that EM fields are emergent and we have an emergent future relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the wavelength of the light. By using the dynamic structure of this process, we can explain conscious awareness in its most simple form has electrical activity in the brain that is aware of its own electrical potential. Consciousness is always in the forefront of the creative process therefore each individual is able to look back in time in all directions from ‘the moment of now’ in the center of their reference frame at the beauty of the stars. This personalization of space and time gives us the concept of ‘mind’ with each one of us having our own unique personal view of the Universe with an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future. The flow of Time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π as a process of continuous energy exchange and our consciousness as a continuous stream of unbroken ever-changing flow of ideas, feelings dreams hopes perceptions and emotions are interlinked.

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