Friday 13 May 2022

John Wheelers’ One electron Universe explained as One Universal Process

One-electron Universe is a fascinating idea with electrons and positrons the antiparticle of the electron being explained as manifestations of a single entity moving backwards and forwards in time.    

The idea of this, is that it explains why all electrons and positrons have the same mass and magnitude of charge.

The only difference being the electron has negative charge and the positron has positive.


These videos offer an alternative interpretation with antimatter annihilation representing part of a process of energy exchange that forms the forward passage of time itself.


Within each reference, frame antimatter annihilation represents the past with the transfer of photon energy forming a probabilistic uncertain future.


This is more logical than thinking of positrons moving backwards in time and would explain why we observer more electrons than positrons.


In this theory, we have an emergent process formed be an interaction between light photons and electrons (matter)that form our ever-changing world forming the characteristics of three-dimensional space with one variable in the form of time.


I will place a link here to videos that explain how this emergent process forms our ever-changing world forming the characteristics of three-dimensional space with one variable in the form of time.


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