Thursday 5 May 2022

Time Dilation Equation explained geometrically in three dimensions with ...

Time dilation can seem logical and even intuitive if time and three-dimensional space are emergent. The driving force for this process can be photon ∆E=hf spherical oscillations. The interior of a sphere 4π is naturally three-dimensional and the spherical two-dimensional surface will form a boundary condition for positive and negative charge. Because the process is relative to the spherical surface we have to square the radius. This can be seen in the equation with the number one representing one photon spherical oscillation with velocity and light squared, representing the radius being squared. This process forms an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future that is relative to the energy and momentum of each object or life form. An emergent process that forms three-dimensional space with one variable, in the form of time, will also form the Lorentz contraction of space. This is because the process unfolds photon by photon relative to the wavelength of the light. In the direction of motion, the frequency of photon spherical oscillation is greater and the wavelength is shorter. The process is relative to the spherical 4π surface with velocity being squared v² in the equation representing a square of future probability in the direction of motion. An observer in an independent reference frame will be part of the same process of energy exchange, but will have an emergent uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future relative to his own energy, frequency and wavelength. Because of this, they will see the shorter wavelengths in the direction of an object in motion as the Lorentz contraction of space. Any questions you have place below, sub, like and share.


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