Wednesday 4 May 2022

Zen Master Dogen on existence time

Zen Master Dogen (1200-1253) explains his idea of ‘existence time’ that has great similarity to the time dilation of Einstein’s relativity. I find it amazing that Master Dogen could come up with such a complex understanding of ‘time’ without the help of modern science and computers. Even today mainstream physics has not achieved such a comprehensive concept of time. I have used my oriental art and diagrams of Quantum Atom Theory to try to make Master Dogen’s ideas easier to comprehend. The idea of ‘existence time’ does not disagree with QAT that explains a process of energy exchange relative to the atoms of the periodic table that we see and feel as the passage of time. I would like to thank the people who made the original video that is translated from text known as Shobogenzo. The video is in audio and as a dyslexic person this was a great help to me! There are links to the original video and text below: The original video: Shobogenzo Uji read aloud (audio only) The text itself is available here: You can also buy the first volume of the Shōbōgenzō translated by Nishijima and Cross: Zoketsu Norman Fisher gives his thoughts on the fascicle at Sweeping Zen, although from a different translation: This essay on the subject of existence time is by Rev Seijun Ishii: My most loved quotes from Master Dogen: “Seeing things as they truly are, that in enlightenment” “Mind is no other than mountains and rivers and the great wide Earth the Sun the Moon the stars”.

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