Monday 26 September 2022

The Starting Point within Temporal Time

If we think of the Universe as a continuum based on a process of continuous energy exchange. There must be a starting point where the future emerges, and the past becomes part of history. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light can form this process that forms our ever-changing world. With light photon energy, interacting with matter in the form of the electrons representing the starting point.

Whenever our everyday life changes there is an exchange of photon energy with light waves, having particle characteristics as a probabilistic future unfolds. The uncertainty of quantum mechanics represents a probabilistic future unfolding at the smallest scale of a process that is relative to the atoms of the periodic table.

We are all an interactive part of this process, with the light waves or electromagnetic activity that forms conscious awareness unfolding with the exchange of photon energy. This forms a starting point for us that we comprehend as the moment of now.

We observer the Universe moment by moment because the future is unfolding photon by photon. This is why we are always in the centre of our own reference frame being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars.


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