Sunday 11 December 2022

Ramble in the Woods on the formation of Fractal Self Similarities in Nat...

In this theory, the Universe is a continuum based on a one simple geometrical process.

It can be hard to comprehend that all the complexity and diversity of nature could form out of a simple process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking.

A good example is a tree, as it grows it forms ever-greater complexity.

But if we cut a tree at any point along its growth vector we will find circular symmetry with the circles linked to the length of time that the geometry took to form.

Circular symmetry can represent an aspect of emergent spherical geometry that forms the characteristics of three-dimensional space with the temporal nature of time.

The spontaneous absorption and emission of light is forming a repetition with waves over a period of time and particle characteristics as the future comes into existence.

This repetition is relative to the atoms of the periodic table and will mimic itself forming Fractal self-similarities that are based on the same broken symmetry that forms entropy and disorganization.

This is why geometry is never perfect in nature, but when the spherical symmetry breaks, it has the potential to form ever-greater complexity in form the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the imperfect spirals of nature.

This process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter. At low temperature the process unfolds relative to the atoms, at high temperature we have a phase change in matter forming plasma with charge being able to cover a whole star or even a large region of interstellar space. Therefore, we can have the same geometrical process on totally different scales with an uncertain probability future that is continuously coming into existence with potential photon energy transforming into the kinetic energy of matter in the form of electrons.


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