Friday 16 December 2022

The Problem with an Objective Quantum Theory

I had a comment on a video that said:

“The amount of energy equivalent to even the smallest bit of matter is far too much for the light photon to represent an emergent uncertain future”.

This is a good point! But the exchange of energy is very localized. Whenever the bonds between the atoms form or break there is an exchange of photon energy.

Take flowing water the energy can seem far too great for the process to be unfolding photon by photon. But within the water we have hydrogen bonds continuously forming and breaking with the exchange of photon energy!

This process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter.

When the temperature drops, we see the same process unfolding relative to the new six-fold symmetry.

Also if the temperature increases we have a phase change in matter forming plasma with charge being able to cover a whole star or even a large region of interstellar space.

Therefore, we can have the same geometrical process on totally different scales with an uncertain probability future that is continuously coming into existence with potential photon energy transforming into the kinetic energy of matter in the form of electrons.

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