Monday 29 May 2023

Origin of cell life from non living matter Abiogenesis an alternative t...

We have the great complexity and diversity of life and Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution explains how these life forms changed over time, but it says nothing on how the first cell life formed out of non-living matter. This theory explains how a geometrical process based on physics could have formed the dynamic geometry and driving force for the first cell life. This is an image from the International Space Station of a candle flame in zero gravity. We can see that it naturally forms a sphere with the spherical surface interacting with its environment. This is very similar to a living cell; we have the build-up and organization of charge relative to the membrane of each living cell within us. All we would need is spherical geometry to arise naturally in the Universe and it could form a template for cell life. The interior of the sphere would naturally form the characteristics of three-dimensional space with the two dimensional surface forming a boundary condition for positive and negative charge. We have this geometrical process of energy exchange with the movement of charge whenever our everyday life changes. A process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking could form a repetition for greater complexity to emerge. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light forms the movement of positive and negative charges making chemical systems automatically self-assemble into stable spheres Light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforms potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons. Just a change in environmental temperature would trigger this process forming the potential for statistical entropy with the probability that greater complexity and diversity could emerge. Evolution by natural selection is only possible if there is uncertainty ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π The dynamic geometry of this process would form an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future continuously unfolding relative to the electron probability cloud of the atoms and the wavelength of the light. In this theory, the wave particle duality of light and matter (electrons) is forming a blank canvas that we interact with relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. This process forms a constant of action in space and time that we see mathematically as the Planck constant h/2π. A theory is only an idea a concept of what the maths, experiments and observation represent! Reference: Jeremy England is an American physicist, who uses statistical physics arguments to explain the spontaneous emergence of life, A New Physics Theory of Life An MIT physicist has proposed the provocative idea that life exists because the law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire lifelike physical properties. How Does Life Come From Randomness? Role of lipid charge in organization of water/lipid bilayer interface: insights via computer simulations The 5 core principles of life | Nobel Prize-winner Paul Nurse ~

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