Friday 19 May 2023

The Infinite ∞ Nature of Water ❄

 It is difficult to comprehend a universal process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking even when the self-similarities formed by the process are visible to us.


The best way to visualize it is by looking at the structure of water.


Light radiates out from an atom as a spherical wave with charge evenly spaced on the surface of a sphere.


The atoms of water break this spherical symmetry by bonding together forming dipoles relative to positive and negative charge.


 The future then unfolds with hydrogen bonds forming and breaking with the exchange of photon energy and movement of charge.


Just a change in environmental temperature representing a change of photon energy forms the potential for the atoms to bond together forming six-fold symmetry


Once again, this is based on the position of positive and negative charge with the build-up of charge at the corners of this six-fold symmetry.


This forms the potential for infinite snowflake diversity with the greatest probability that complexity will arise on these six corners.


This is a universal process; we have the build-up and or organization of charge relative to the membrane of each living cell within us.


And above us in the form of plasma charge can cover a whole star or even a large area of interstellar space forming the same spherical and spiral patterns on the large scale that we see in nature.


We see the same process at work when an artist creates a work of art. Please sub and share it will help the promotion of this theory.



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