Wednesday 10 May 2023

The physics of the God equation the geometry of Time

“You see me as Time destroyer of worlds” Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita. This video places the God equation e+1=0, known as Euler Identity within the fabric of space and time. This will be quite easy to follow because the mathematics of this theory represents the dynamics geometry of a three dimensional physical process. I will use diagrams to help explain how Euler Identity is at the heart of this process of continuous energy exchange that we see and feel as the continuum of time.

Euler number e plays a major part of Euler Identity and can also be found everywhere in such diverse things has radioactive decay, temperature change, probability theory, electronics, harmonic motion, chemistry, biology and how the growth rate of interest on money is relative to the length of each time period it is calculated to. These are just a few of the subjects connected to Euler’s number e. Nevertheless, there is one thing that connects all the diverse subjects that the number e is connected to and that is they are all processes over a ‘period of time’. And I believe this is the key to understanding Euler Identity and why the number e is everywhere in nature and physics!


  In the theory explained in the video above the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Time is an emergent property with the future continuously coming into existence with photon ∆E=hf electron interactions relative to the position and actions of the atoms! As can be seen on the diagrams in the video we have a photon electron coupling representing ‘the moment of now’ or t=0 with +1 and -1 representing the positive and negative of electromagnetic waves or light.  This is linked to Euler Identity with 1 photon plus e^iπ equal zero, t=0 'the moment of now' within an individual reference frame. This theory takes 'the moment of now' out of philosophy and places it within physics as part of a physical process. This gives Euler Identity a place in the structure of space and time! Quantum mechanics represents the physics of time as a physical process of continuous creation that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’. This geometrical process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy is continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.


The 4π can represent spherical 4πr² geometry this can be based on Huygens’ Principle of 1670, that says: “Every point on a wave front has the potential for a new spherical wave”.


We can think of the ‘point on the wave front’ as a photon ∆E=hf of energy with an uncertain probabilistic future unfolding with each photon electron interaction.


Because the process is unfolding relative to the spherical surface of the wave front, we have to square the radius r². This is seen in the mathematics of quantum mechanics as c² the speed of the process, the speed of light squared, and e² representing the electron squared. 


Spheres always intersect as circles 2πr, and this is why we have 2π in the mathematics of quantum mechanics. The two-dimensional surface of the sphere forms a manifold or boundary condition for positive and negative charge. The inner concaved surface forms negative charge and the outer surface forms positive charge.


Light radiates out as a sphere and when the surface of the sphere comes in contact with the electron probability cloud of an atom it forms a photon electron coupling and our three dimensional world changes with the movement of positive and negative charge.


We measure this process as the passage of time with the interior of the sphere forming our three dimensional space. Therefore, we have Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π between position and momentum with 4π in the equation representing the spherical geometry.


If we reformulate the uncertainty using energy and time instead of position and momentum, we have 2π in the equation ∆E∆t≥h/2π representing the surface of the sphere.


This geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics is supported by the fact that the Planck constant h/2π is also link to 2π.


When there is an exchange of energy in the form of a photon ∆E=hf electron coupling or dipole moment the energy levels cannot drop below the centre of the sphere because the process is relative to the radius. This forms a minimum amount of energy forming a constant of action in space and time that we see mathematically as the Planck constant h/2π linked with 2π representing the circumference 2πr.




The Heisenberg uncertainty principle also contains the number π. The uncertainty principle gives a sharp lower bound on the extent to which it is possible to localize a function both in space and in frequency: with our conventions for the Fourier transform:


 Euler's identity


Euler's Formula and Euler's Identity's%20Identity%20is%20a%20special,%E2%81%A1%20%CF%80%20%2B%20i%20sin%20%E2%81%A1&text=since%20cos%CF%80%3D%E2%88%921%20%E2%81%A1,and%20sin%CF%80%3D0%20%E2%81%A1%20.&text=ei%CF%80%2B1%3D0.


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