Tuesday 20 June 2023

A Reductionist Theory explaining Quantum Physics

Reductionism is basically the idea that you can understand things by taking them apart into smaller things.


For example, Biology is the study of living organisms, which are the result of chemical interactions, so all the branches of biology stem from chemistry.


Likewise chemical reactions are based on physical interaction, whenever the bonds between the atoms form or break there is an exchange of photon ∆E=hf energy so all branches of chemistry can be reduced to quantum physics.


We can have a reductionist theory of quantum mechanics, by explaining it as a geometrical process that forms the characteristics of time.


 Within such a theory the atoms of the periodic table are standing waves in time with light and matter, in the form of electrons, being waves over a ‘period of time’ with a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future coming into existence when light interacts with the electrons that surround the nucleus of an atom.


Light waves radiate out spherically 4πr² and when a wave front comes in contact with the electrons of an atom it forms a photon electron coupling that has particle characteristics.


This pinches the beginnings and the end of the light path forming spherical harmonics, just as on a bounded guitar string, only a certain number of waves can exist. You can have one wave, two waves, or more, but never any number that is not a whole number.


This forms a starting point of the process in the form of the Planck Constant ħ=h/2π of action.


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