Wednesday 14 June 2023

Synchronicity explained by the geometry of space time

This video puts forward a reason for synchronicity based on physics. We have all experienced coincidences they can be silly or can seem to represent a deeper meaning, when they happen unexpectedly they can break what we call statistical probability. One way to explain the synchronicity of almost impossible coincidences is that the future is not totally random or uncertain. In just the same way as a pebble dropped into water will form ripples that are not random; the waves are relative and synchronized as they radiate out from their centre source. In this theory, time has a similar geometry based on Huygens’ Principle: That says: “Every point on a wave front may be considered a source of secondary spherical 4πr² wave, which spreads out in the forward direction at the speed of light”. In this theory, the light waves only move in the forward direction because we have an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future continuously coming into existence with the exchange of light photon ∆E=hf energy forming new spherical waves of probability. The wave particle nature of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming an interactive process or what I like to call a blank canvas that we can interact with. The spherical geometry forms greater degrees of freedom for entropy, disorganization and equilibrium. It also has the potential to form greater symmetry as in cell life or even ever more abstract mathematics. Because the process has spherical geometry, it is not totally random and forms the driving force for synchronicity. In this theory, consciousness is the most advanced part of this process with our thoughts being connected up with the physical world around us participating in a creative process. Consciousness is at the forefront of this process with each life form being in ‘the moment of now’ in the centre of their own reference frame. At each new moment in time, there is a potential for an ‘infinity of possibilities’ formed by this spherical geometry. We have an infinite number of line symmetries within a sphere as long as it is expanding. In this theory, this represents an infinite number of time line for potential future possibilities. It is because energy, frequency and resonance share the same geometry, that we have Synchronicity, self-similarities and fractals arising naturally. Life is not a series of random events, but rather an expression of a deeper order formed by spherical symmetry forming and breaking. Without an understanding of this universal process, our whole universe and life itself can seem like an almost impossible coincidence. The coincidence of everything being three dimensional, just like the interior of a sphere. The coincidence of spiral geometry forming throughout the visible Universe. The coincidence of living cells having same geometry as light waves with the movement of positive and negative charge. These coincidences are happening all the time we only see the ones that are meaning full to us.

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