Monday, 15 June 2015

Could the Fibonacci Spiral that we see almost everywhere in nature be formed out of a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking?

 This video gives a unique explanation for the Fibonacci Spiral explaining how light interacts with matter forming a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking! The imperfect Fibonacci Spirals that we see in nature are formed out of this process of symmetry breaking. This symmetry breaking is not just in space but also in time therefore we see the Fibonacci sequence almost everywhere being formed over a period of time!

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Could the atoms of the periodic table represent standing waves over a period of time? With the process we see and feel as 'time' being formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy.

Could the atoms of the periodic table represent standing waves over a period of time? With the process we see and feel as 'time' being formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy. This continuous exchange of energy would form the ever changing world of our everyday live with the future unfolding photon by photon relative to the atoms.

The future is unfolding photon by photon relative to the flowing water! 

Monday, 8 June 2015

Why can we look back in time at the beauty of the galaxies, but we can n...

We can all look back in time at the beauty of the stars and galaxies through light years of space in all direction from the centre of their own reference frame. The farther we look out the farther back in time we can see. We see galaxies as they were thousands of years in the past. But the future is different the future is always uncertain!

I am on YouTube trying to promote my theory on the dynamics of light and time (Quantum Atom Theory). I am an artist and therefore outside of the scientific community so any help will be gratefully welcomed. Please share with your friends and add to your favorites.  It would be nice to start a chain reaction of information a kind of quantum revolution!

This theory is based on just two simple postulates

1. The first is that the quantum wave particle function explained by Schrödinger's wave equation represents the forward passage of time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π or Arrow of Time itself photon by photon. It is a probability wave of a potential future event.

2. The second is that Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π that is formed by the wave function is the same uncertainty we have with any future event. 

This process of continuous creation or change we see and feel as the flow of time itself and can interact with turning the possible into the actual!

Friday, 5 June 2015

Could the Readiness Potential Problem of Conscious Decisions Making be explained by a deeper understanding of the nature of Time as a physical process?

The Readiness Potential problem of conscious decisions making was found when in experiments when an experimental subjects was asked to move one hand at an arbitrary moment decided by them, and to report when they made the decision (they timed the decision by noticing the position of a dot circling a clock face). At the same time the electrical activity of their brain was monitored. Now it had already been established by much earlier research that consciously-chosen actions are preceded by a pattern of activity known as a Readiness Potential (or RP). The surprising result was that the reported time of each decision was consistently a short period (some tenths of a second) after the RP appeared. This seems to prove that the supposedly conscious decisions had actually been determined unconsciously beforehand. This seems to lend strong experimental support to the idea that free will is an illusion. But in this theory consciousness is at the forefront of creation as an integral part of the process that forms a future that is relative to the energy and momentum of each object or life form.  The future is an emergent property forming the time dilation of Einstein’s Relativity as part of a universal process. Energy slows down the rate that time flows as a process of continuous creation.  Conscious thought is the most advanced part of this universal process and this can be seen as the Readiness Potential problem of conscious decisions making where there does not seem to be enough time for free-will to take place.

Monday, 1 June 2015

The Mathematics of Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the physics of time with an emergent future relative to the energy and momentum of our action.

The mathematics of this theory is quite easy to follow because it is based on the geometry of a physical process. I believe this is important a theory that only has a mathematical understanding like quantum mechanics can never be a complete theory.The future is unfolding photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. The wave particle duality of light forms an interactive process that we can interact with forming the possible into the actual! Energy ∆E slows the rate that time ∆t flows creating a future relative to the energy and momentum of each object or life form. The mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of 'time' as a physical process! With classical physics representing process over a period of time as in Newton's differential equations. In this theory Euler Identity is interwoven into the dynamic fabric of our Universe. With the plus one representing one quanta or photon equals zero time t = 0 the moment of now with the future continuously coming into existence photon by photon. This forms a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking forms the |Imperfect Spiral Symmetry of life that is visible in nature. This is because if the quantum wave particle function Ψ or probability function is reformulated as a linear vector then all the information I have found says that each new vector is formed by adding the two previous vectors together this forms the Fibonacci Sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ∞ ad infinity!

This is a very good video on Euler Identity: 'Ignite Bristol 04 - Oliver Humpage - A Beautiful Equation: Euler's Identity'

The mathematics of this video on Euler Identity is relative to Quantum Atom Theory: 'B4. The Euler Identity'

This video on Riemann Mathematics and geometry is very interesting! How Bernhard Riemann's 1854 Habilition Dissertation re-defined the nature of geometry, physics, and the human mind. Often wrongly considered as simply a mathematician, Riemann places Mind at the center of science, and his programmatic outlook requires that any serious scientist study the creative process itself: 'Bernhard Riemann: The Habilitation Dissertation'

This video explains the physics in a non- mathematical way! Physics 10: Physics for Future Presidents. Spring 2006. Professor Richard A. Muller. The most interesting and important topics in physics, stressing conceptual understanding rather than math, with applications to current events: 'Physics 10 - Lecture 17: Quantum I'

A video on this Atomic Theory explained in a less mathematical way:

This is a great video with good computer simulations of Riemann Geometry: 'Riemann • Riemann Surfaces'