Friday 23 November 2018

What is the difference between a living tree and a dead tree?

Can living systems be reduced down to the laws of physics?
 Because all life, even the most complex intelligent life, is based on the same process of cell reproduction, if we can reduce plant life down to a physics process that can be explained by physics we can do it with all life. 

To do this we need to know the difference between a living system and a non living or innate object at the most fundamental level. To explain this we are going to look at the difference between a living tree and a dead tree. 

This is because plant life is simpler than animal life and interacts in a more direct way with the light of sun and the atoms of the soil. Also a tree has no overall commanded centre as we have in the form of a brain. 

 This makes it more simple to explain, but also more incredible that we can have such complexity and diversity without a central command centre.

Link to the video: What is the difference between a living tree and a dead tree?

Thursday 1 November 2018

A reason for gravity, inertia and mass

Newton gave us the Universal Law of Gravitation explaining the inverse
square law of gravity. But he never explained why energy should act on
gravity in this way.
Then Einstein gave us the General Theory of Relativity explaining a
dynamic interactive process. In the General Theory of Relativity when an
object moves the curvature of spacetime moves relative to the energy
and momentum of the object.
But even in the General Theory of Relativity there is no explanation of
why energy and momentum should act on space and time in this way.
In a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory an artist theory on the
physic of time as a physical process we have one interactive and
universal process continuously unfolding at the quantum level of the
We see and feel this process as 'time' as a physical process of
continuous energy exchange that is formed light photon oscillation by
light photon oscillation. Objects form their own time by slowing up the
rate that time flows relative to their own energy and momentum.
Gravity is not a real force at all object just free-fall towards the
greatest energy because it has the greatest time dilation or the slow
rate that time flows.
In this theory mass is a by-product of time dilation. When time slows
down it takes more effort to move an object from A to B and this is seen
as an increase in mass!
Also Einstein's Equivalence Principle between gravity and acceleration
falls out of this theory. Because energy and momentum have to increase
for an object to accelerate time dilation will increase relative to the
acceleration. Therefore we have equivalence principle between gravity
and acceleration this will be felt as inertia in the direction of the

Tuesday 30 October 2018

A Theory based on emergence

The idea of emergence has been around since at least the time of Aristotle. What is new here is that this emergent theory can be explained by just one equation: (E=ˠM˳C²)∞. This represents an emergent geometrical process in just three dimensions with one variable in the form of time. With energy ∆E equals mass ∆M linked to the Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time. The Lorentz contraction ˠ represents the time dilation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. We have energy ∆E slowing the rate that time ∆t flows as a universal process of energy exchange or continuous creation. Mass will increase relative to this process with gravity being a secondary force to the electromagnetic force. The c² represents the speed of light c radiating out in a sphere 4π of EMR from its radius forming a square c² of probability. We have to square the probability of the wave-function Ψ because the area of the sphere is equal to the square of the radius of the sphere multiplied by 4π. This simple geometrical process forms the probability and uncertainty of everyday life and at the smallest scale of the process is represented mathematically by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π. In such a theory we have an emergent future unfolding photon by photon ∆E = hf with the movement of charge and flow of EM fields. This gives us a geometrical reason for positive and negative charge with a concaved inner surface for negative charge and a convexed outer surface for positive charge. The brackets in the equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ represent a dynamic boundary condition of an individual reference frame with an Arrow of Time or time line for each frame of reference. The infinity ∞ symbol represents an infinite number of dynamic interactive reference frames that are continuously coming in and out of existence. At the smallest scale the Planck constant ħ=h/2π is a constant of action in the dynamic geometrical process that we see and feel as the passage of time. All the common characteristics of emergence are in this theory: (1) radical novelty (features not previously observed in systems); (2) coherence or correlation (meaning integrated wholes that maintain themselves over some period of time); (3) A global or macro "level" (i.e. there is some property of "wholeness"); (4) it is the product of a dynamical process (it evolves); and (5) it is "ostensive" (it can be perceived).

Friday 26 October 2018

Holy Grail of Science One Equation One Universal Process

From the stars above us to the cells within us this theory explains a
universal process of energy exchange that can be represented by just one equation: (E=ˠM˳C²)∞. This equation
represents the
Holy Grail of physics as an emergent geometrical process in just three dimensions with one
variable in the form of time. With energy ∆E equals mass ∆M linked to the
Lorentz contraction ˠ of space and time. The Lorentz contraction ˠ represents
the time dilation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. We have energy ∆E slowing
the rate that time ∆t flows as a universal process of energy exchange or
continuous creation. Mass will increase relative to this process with gravity
being a secondary force to the electromagnetic force. The c² represents the
speed of light c radiating out in a sphere 4π of EMR from its radius forming a
square c² of probability. We have to square the probability of the
wave-function Ψ because the area of the sphere is equal to the square of the
radius of the sphere multiplied by 4π. This simple geometrical process forms
the probability and uncertainty of everyday life and at the smallest scale of the
process is represented mathematically by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π. In such a theory we have an emergent future unfolding photon by
photon ∆E = hf with the movement of charge and flow of EM fields. This gives us
a geometrical reason for positive and negative charge with a concaved inner
surface for negative charge and a convexed outer surface for positive charge.
The brackets in the equation (E=ˠM˳C²)∞ represent a dynamic boundary condition
of an individual reference frame with an Arrow of Time or time line for each
frame of reference. The infinity ∞ symbol represents an infinite number of
dynamic interactive reference frames that are continuously coming in and out of
existence. At the smallest scale the Planck constant ħ=h/2π is a constant of
action in the dynamic geometrical process that we see and feel as the passage
of time.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Walter Russell Cosmogony and an emergent concept of Time

In this video we have the ideas and diagrams of Walter Russell united with the
time dilation of Einstein’s Relativity. This is done by explaining an emergent
process with time and space being emergent properties coming into existence
relative to the atoms of the periodic table and the individual wavelengths’ of
the EM spectrum of light. Objects form their own space and time or spacetime
and this is seen as the time dilation of Relativity. Within such a process Walter
Russell was right when he said light does not travel through the vacuum of
space, because we have new light photons oscillation or vibration forming
relative to the atoms as part of an emergent process. Also Walter Russell idea that
everything is light can be explained by everything being based on one universal
process of energy exchange that is unfolding light photon by light photon.   

Thursday 16 August 2018

Tesla AC Power and Photon Energy. How sine waves and light photons form wireless electricity

In this video a Tesla coil is producing high-frequency alternating current that lights up a lamp when brought near to it.

Wireless electricity can seem magical and even illogical when you think that unlike direct current that only flows in one direction, alternating current is continuously changing direction. I believe there is
something missing in our understanding of alternating current and this is why it seems so magical and even illogical. I am not the only person who has believed this a long time ago Tesla said:

“The day when we shall know exactly what electricity is will chronicle an event probably greater more important, than any other recorded in the history of the human race”.

The reason why anyone would think this is because electricity is not just a man made thing electric charge is an innate part of all matter. It is part of the fundamental fabric of our Universe therefore a deeper
understanding of how and why energy is transferred or exchanged by high-frequency alternating current would give us a deeper understanding of the whole Universe.

In these videos I explain a universal process of energy exchange that is relative to the structure of the atoms and the wavelength of the EM spectrum of light. This is an emergent process unfolding light photon by light photon with the movement of positive and negative charge. Such a process is relative to temperature and the phase changes of matter. At high temperatures in the form of plasma charge can cover a whole star or ever a large area of interstellar space. It is this part of the process that forms the potential for the exchange of photon energy over large areas in short time periods using sine waves in the form of high-frequency alternating current.

If we look at our potential for alternating current as part of this universal process of energy exchange it can seem more logical. We have an interactive process with the wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons with an emergent future unfolding photon by photon relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. This gives us the ability to set up high-frequency alternating current in the form of oscillating sine waves. If the conditions are right this has the potential as part of an emergent process to form a continuous exchange of photon energy forming an increase in temperature that can be seen as visible light.

Saturday 28 July 2018

The Theory of Pantheism

By ‘The Theory of Pantheism’ I mean a Universe
explained totally by physics that fits in with ideas of Pantheism. This is possible if the Universe is explained as a
continuum based on one universal process of energy exchange.
An idea of a process fits in very well with early Pantheist
ideas of God being 'nature nurturing' or the self-causing activity of nature.
In this theory the self-causing aspect of nature is
formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light in the form of
photon energy.
In Pantheism there is the idea that we are all made of one substance one
source energy and that we're all a part of the whole Universe.
Because everything is God there are no potentials for other realms there
simply is what is here now and that's it there's no potential for any other
reality or any other dimension of reality.
This fits is very well with the three dimensional process explained in
this theory where the extra dimensions of String Theory are explained away as
future possibilities and opportunities in our one three dimensional Universe.
Also the pantheist idea that the body and spirit are
not separate and that the two are the same is similar to this theory.
That explains consciousness in it most simple form
as electrical activity relative to the brain.
Therefore because electric charge is an innate part
of all matter, conscious awareness can be explained as the most advanced part of
one universal process.
We have one universal process from the cell within
us to the stars above us.
If God is everything then the best way forward is an
objective study based on logic and reason, since taking the religious stance
would leave one open to the possibility of error and superstition.
Unlike religious belief scientific theories can be
corrected if found to be wrong
. If God is everything, is the statement of pantheism
this can be the theory of Pantheism.

The intellectual love of God!