Saturday 28 October 2023

The geometry of complexity the emergence of three dimensional space and ...

The geometry of complexity the emergence of three dimensional space and time
Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of Time 
37.3K subscribers
It only takes one geometrical shape to form naturally in our Universe for complexity and diversity to arise. Spherical geometry arises naturally on the international space station in near zero gravity a candle flame naturally form a sphere that is interacting with the environment relative to its surface. I will show a short video clip of this now. Therefore we can see light waves radiate out spherically 4πr² with their interior forming the characteristic of three-dimensional space with the spherical surface forming a probabilistic wave front. Each point on the wave front forms the potential for a new spherical wave, a photon of energy, a new oscillation or vibration that forms our future. We have uncertainty between position and momentum as the wave radiates out. This can be seen as HUP ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π between position and momentum. We see 4pi in the equation representing the spherical geometry. We can also reformulate this , between energy and time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π. Because it’s based on photon ∆E=hf energy and the process forms the passage of time. Therefore we have uncertainty between energy and time this uncertainty will always be equal to or greater than the Planck constant divided by two pi. Two pi! Representing the circumference of the sphere.
The smallest part of the process the centre of the sphere forms the Planck Constant h/2π , divided by two pi, it’s very logical. The two-dimensional spherical surface forms a manifold for positive and negative charge as the future unfolds photon by photon. We have to square the radius r² because process is unfolding relative to the surface of the sphere. Therefore, we have the probability wave function Ψ² is squared, the charge of the electron squared e² and the speed of light is squared c². all representing different aspect of the same process. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light forms a repartition of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. 
In my next video I will show how this spherical symmetry can break forming entropy, disorganization with the potential for the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the Fibonacci Spiral sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 
34, 55, 89, 144, ∞ infinity.
Please subscribe and share it will help the promotion of this theory that gives us a deeper understanding of time as a simple three-dimensional process.

Tuesday 24 October 2023

The geometry of complexity explained by a dyslexic artist theory

It only takes one geometrical shape to form naturally in our Universe for complexity and diversity to arise. On the international space station in near zero gravity a candle flame naturally form a sphere that is interacting with the environment relative to its surface. Therefore we can see light waves radiate out spherically 4πr² with their interior forming the characteristic of three-dimensional space with the spherical surface forming a probabilistic wave front. Each point on the wave front form the potential for a new photon of energy, a new oscillation or vibration. The two-dimensional spherical surface forms a manifold for positive and negative charge as the future unfolds photon by photon. We have to square the radius r² because process is unfolding relative to the surface of the sphere. Therefore we have the speed of light squared c² we have the charge of the electron squared e² and the probability wave function is squared Ψ². The spontaneous absorption and emission of light forms a repartition of spherical symmetry forming and breaking. This exchange of energy forms the potential for the most beautiful of geometrical shapes, the Fibonacci Spiral.  
Please subscribe and share it will help the promotion of this theory that gives us a deeper understanding of time as a simple three-dimensional process. Ask any question you like about this theory, I will answer them the best I can. 

Monday 23 October 2023

Time emerges spherically - how Photon ∆E=hf electron e² interactions form time temporality and three-dimensional space

Friday 13 October 2023

How to Understand Quantum Mechanics Geometrically as the Physics of Time...

Based on a dynamic geometry the mathematics of quantum mechanics can represent the physics of time with classical physics representing processes over a ‘period of time’.


Spherical 4πr² geometry is fundamental to this process, light wave radiate out spherically with their interior forming the characteristic of three-dimensional space with the spherical surface forming a probabilistic wave front.


The two-dimensional surface forms a manifold or boundary condition for positive and negative charge as the future unfolds photon by photon.


We have to square the radius r² because process is unfolding relative to the surface of the sphere.

Therefore we have the speed of light squared c² we have the charge of the electron squared e² and the probability wave function squared Ψ².

In the equation for Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π we see 4π representing the spherical geometry.

This principle says you cannot perfectly measure the location and movement of a subatomic particle at the same time.

It also says that you cannot measure the energy of anything perfectly and that the shorter the ‘time period’ you measure the worse your measurement is. Taken to the extreme if you try to make a measurement in near zero time your measurement will be impossible to make.


 This is logical if we have a probabilistic uncertain future coming into existence with each photon electron interaction.

Therefore, at the smallest scale of this geometrical process we have a fundamental limit to space and time. This is represented by the Planck constant h/2π linked to 2π representing circular geometry that is formed by the continuous spherical symmetry.




Tuesday 10 October 2023

Why light take the path of least time an alternative explanation for the...

My new video: Why light take the path of least time an alternative geometrical explanation for Fermat's Principle. 

  In these videos, a simple geometrical process can explain why we have the Principle of Least Time.


If we take Huygens’ Principle of 1670, that says: “Every point on a wave front has the potential for a new spherical wave”.


Based on this principle we can have a geometrical process with light radiating out in every direction as a spherical wave. 


   Simple geometry tell us that the radius of the sphere will always be the shortest path to any point on the spherical surface.


The interior of the sphere is naturally three-dimensional giving us our three dimensions of everyday life.


When the spherical wave front encounters an object, it forms a photon electron interaction.


When this happens photon potential energy is transformed into the kinetic energy of electrons.  


  Because kinetic energy is the energy of motion, At that point, in space and at that moment in time our three-dimensional world slightly changes.


We see light take the shortest path of least time because this exchange of energy is continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain future that is coming into existence photon-by-photon, quanta by quanta, moment by moment.



