Monday 26 September 2022

The Starting Point within Temporal Time

If we think of the Universe as a continuum based on a process of continuous energy exchange. There must be a starting point where the future emerges, and the past becomes part of history. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light can form this process that forms our ever-changing world. With light photon energy, interacting with matter in the form of the electrons representing the starting point.

Whenever our everyday life changes there is an exchange of photon energy with light waves, having particle characteristics as a probabilistic future unfolds. The uncertainty of quantum mechanics represents a probabilistic future unfolding at the smallest scale of a process that is relative to the atoms of the periodic table.

We are all an interactive part of this process, with the light waves or electromagnetic activity that forms conscious awareness unfolding with the exchange of photon energy. This forms a starting point for us that we comprehend as the moment of now.

We observer the Universe moment by moment because the future is unfolding photon by photon. This is why we are always in the centre of our own reference frame being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars.


Monday 19 September 2022

Intrinsic Magnetic Dipole Moments in the passage of Time

As light waves interact with the electron probability cloud, of an atom, it forms a photon electron coupling or dipole moment. This sets the angular momentum of the quantum spin of the electron at a set position in space at a set moment in time.

This forms what is called a magnetic dipole moment, with a combination of moving charges, electric currents, and the magnetic moments of other particles interacting together to form the structures that our everyday life is based upon.

This process of energy exchange forms the potential for one region to align with atoms in another forming complexity and diversity. This is relative to environmental temperature with snowflake diversity being a good example.

Monday 12 September 2022

Quantum Spin an Artist Animation - Geometrical Explanation for Pauli Exc...

Quantum Spin can be explained by a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking with the process relative to the spherical surface. The electron is a half spin particle because the process is relative to the radius that is half the diameter of the sphere. It is because we have to square the radius r² to find the spherical surface area that so many properties are squared in the mathematics as in t², c², e², ψ² and velocity v² as in kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy.

This would be easier to see if we did not use the reduced Planck Constant ħ or h bar but instead used ħ=h/2π. We would then have 2π representing the spherical diameter with the spacing between spin states being h bar.

Because an interior of a sphere 4π is naturally three dimensional at any given moment in time, these spin states can be thought of as a combination pointing in each of our three dimensions.

When the electron is not interacting with anything, and we are not making any measurements there is only uncertainty ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π of what the angular momentum is.

The diagram in the video represents light photon ∆E=hf energy interacting with the electron.  Because charge is an innate part of all matter when we make a measurement, it is basically the same interaction.

The moment we make an observation by interacting with the electron of an atom the direction or angular momentum will change to one of the quantum states where it is known with 100% certainty.

In this theory, this represents a probabilistic future unfolding with the exchange of photon ∆E=hf energy.

The photon and electron are different aspects of the same geometrical process; photons being spin one particle represent spherical symmetry. The electron having half spin represents the spherical symmetry breaking forming the potential for the broken imperfect symmetry of our everyday three-dimensional life.

The continuous exchange of photon energy forms our ever-changing world that we measure as a ‘period of time’ relative to the atoms of the periodic table.

But above all this process forms a probabilistic future that is relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. 

There is a direction to ‘time’ the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously forming potential photon energy into the kinetic energy of electrons. Kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy is the energy of what is actually happening. The wave particle duality of light and matter in the form of electrons is forming a blank canvas for us (atoms) to interact with; we have waves over a ‘period of time’ with particles characteristics as an uncertain future unfolds. Within each reference frame, the absorption of light always comes before the emission forming an Arrow of Time for the object or life form of that reference frame. 

The mathematics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of time with classical physics represents processes over a ‘period of time’ as in Newton's differential equations. We have to square the wave-function Ψ² representing the radius being squared r² because the process is relative to the two-dimensional spherical 4π surface. We then see 4π in Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π representing our probabilistic temporal three dimensions life. The charge of the electron e² and the speed of light c² are both squared for the same geometrical reason. This process forms a continuous exchange of energy forming what we experience as the continuous passage of time.

Bosons (photons) are particles whose wave function is symmetric (spherical) under such an exchange or permutation, so if we swap the particles, the wave-function does not change. Fermions (electrons) are particles whose wave-function is antisymmetric, so under such a swap the wave-function gets a minus sign, meaning that the amplitude for two identical fermions to occupy the same state must be zero. This is the Pauli Exclusion Principle: two identical fermions cannot occupy the same state.

This gives rise to the structure and complexity of our three dimensions with this process forming intrinsic magnetic moments that give rise to the macroscopic effects of magnetism, electric charges, such as electric currents and other phenomena, such as electron paramagnetic resonance.  

The spherical surface forms a dynamic two-dimensional manifold for the movement of positive and negative charge. This two-dimensional manifold also forms the two-dimensional aspect within each reference frame in the form of a past and uncertain future, the so-called four dimension of time that we have in Special Relativity. Whenever there is change in our everyday life there is the movement of charge. When object touch it is charge that makes contact and when the bonds between the atoms form and break, there is an exchange of photon energy with the movement of charge. We have an uncertain future continuously unfolding with each photon electron coupling of dipole moment.

A process of spherical 4π symmetry forming and breaking would also form the potential for entropy or disorganization with a built-in potential forever-greater symmetry formation that we see in the complexity of cell life and in the potential forever more abstract mathematics.


Sunday 4 September 2022

Can You Believe It? #36 What is Space (6 of TBD) Time is Affected by Gra...

My comment on this video: Could it be the other way around with three dimensional space and time be emergent forming gravity? This process would unfold relative to the energy exchange of each reference frame. Light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. This forms the movement of charge with the charge of the electron squared e² the speed of the process squared c² forming the Inverse Square Law of gravity and EM fields.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Are light spheres forming the Golden Ratio ϕ, Golden Angle 137.5 and Fib...

Are light spheres forming the Golden Ratio ϕ, Golden Angle 137.5 and Fibonacci Spiral?

2,772 views Premiered Jul 16, 2022 35.8K subscribers
Dyslexic Artist Theory on the Physics of 'Time'
In this theory spherical geometry is fundamental and is the reason why the electron e² is squared. This is a very simple process we have to square the radius r² because the process is relative to the spherical 4π surface. Therefore we have the electron e² squared with energy levels from the Sun cascading down relative to the Golden Ratio ϕ forming the golden angle 137.5 and Fibonacci Spiral. This can be seen in the maths with wave function Ψ², electron e² and the speed of light c² all being squared forming the Inverse Square Law of electromagnetism and gravity. The mathematics of the Golden Ratio is divided into two parts A and B. This can represent the absorption and emission of light photon ∆E=hf energy that forms a process of continuous energy exchange. Mathematically we have to square section A to form the golden rectangle out of section B. If we continuously repeat this process with smaller and smaller rectangles, we form the Fibonacci spiral. And this is exactly what we have within this process in the Subatomic world we have a square in the form of the charge of the electron e² being squared. The spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy forms a repetition of the process forming the Golden Angle 137.5 in the form of geometrical self-similarity. The golden ratio - 1.618 – forms the topology of space-time dictate how certain things in the universe take shape. Therefore, we have the Golden Section not only to aspects of mathematics but also in physics, chemistry and biology. We see the Golden Mean in almost everything that is a process over a period of time. This is because the process forms a universal constraint that arises photon by photon as a process of continuous creation. In this way the Divine Proportion or Golden Ratio, represented by the Greek letter phi is a geometrical connection between two aspects of an object as the future unfolds with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. Some people think that our fine-tuned universe is simply a lucky coincidence and, under the multiverse theory, there are an infinite number of other universes that were not quite so lucky. But in this theory luck had nothing to do with it, our Universe is based on simple three dimensional geometry! I find it odd that Newton or Huygens never came up with the idea of light being a wave with particle characteristics when the absorption and emission takes place. Spherical 4π geometry will naturally form a three-dimensional process (three-dimensional space) that has to be squared r² if the process is relative to the surface of the sphere. This could give us a reason why so much is squared in physics, t², c², e², ψ² and velocity v² as in kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy. This process would form an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future continuously unfolding with the exchange of photon ∆E=hf energy. In addition, it would explain why in Huygens Principle the spheres 4π only move in the forward direction!