Saturday 15 June 2024

3D flower of Life ~ Terrance Howard Sacred Geometry right or wrong theor...

There has been a lot of talk on YouTube about the Flower of Life being three-dimensional. This video explains how this could be possible. For the flower of life and sacred geometry as a whole to arise out of a three-dimensional process all it would take is spherical geometry to form naturally in the Universe and to precede everything. Every interaction in our everyday life, every change in our three dimensional world would have to originate from spherical geometry.

This is possible based on Huygens’ Principle of 1670. That explains light as a spherical wave and says:
“Every point on a light wave front has the potential for a new spherical 4πr² light wave".

Each point can be considered as a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction, vibrating and resonating forming a new spherical wave front.

The interior of the sphere naturally forms the characteristics of three-dimensional space with the spherical 4πr² surface acting as a two dimensional boundary condition or manifold for positive and negative charge and what we experience as time ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π.

The uncertainty ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π that we encountered in daily life arises out of an exchange of photon energy upon the curvature of this manifold.

This can be explained as a process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking forming greater degrees of freedom for statistical entropy and the irreversible processes of classical physics. Such as heat energy always spontaneously flowing from hot to cold and friction always changing motion into heat.

This geometrical process forms the broken imperfect symmetry of our everyday life with the potential for the formation of evermore complexity. Forming the geometry and driving force, momentum, for cell life.

Forming not just the imperfect complexity of nature but also the potential for evermore-abstract mathematics.

In its most, perfect form, this geometrical process can be seen as Sacred Geometry with the Flower of Life.

In this theory, gravity is resonance emerging from the interactions between light photons ∆E=hf energy of electromagnetic fields and the electron sphere 4πr² encircling the atomic nucleus. The electrons e² of atoms are temporal standing waves in time, and their interaction with spherical light waves generates particle characteristics and resonance, manifesting as photon-electron coupling or a dipole moment. This interaction slightly alters our three-dimensional reality by converting potential photon energy into the kinetic energy of matter Eₖ=½mv², forming a constantly evolving probabilistic ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π future.

As this dynamic spherical geometry radiates out, it forms the inverse square law of electromagnetic and gravitational fields with time, gravity, inertia and mass being emergent properties.

Within this geometrical process of energy exchange, the kinetic energy of motion forms the characteristics of inertial mass.


Sunday 9 June 2024

Walter Russell Spiral Periodic Table in three dimensional Space

This theory takes the Spiral Periodic Table of Walter Russell and explains its structure as a three dimensional process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking.

As the spherical symmetry breaks, it has the potential to form the most beautiful geometrical shape, known as the Fibonacci Spiral.

The further we go down and out from the centre of the spiral the more broken the symmetry becomes and the more unstable and radioactive the elements become.
This geometrical process forms the imperfect broken symmetry of everyday life. If we look down on the spiral structure from above it is easier to see that hydrogen is in the centre next to Helium with the noble gasses and the other groups of elements radiating out like spokes from the centre of a wheel.
Also by having a periodic spiral we can place the groups that can undergo ionic bonding together on either side of the noble gases. I will place links below to videos that explain this dynamic geometrical process in greater detail If you find these ideas interesting, please sub and share it will help the promotion of this theory.
Reference: 📷 • Rebuilt Periodic Table Terrence Howard

Saturday 8 June 2024

Pre Terrence Howard Spiral Periodic Table of Elements.

This is a pre Terrence Howard, 2013 video, with Hydrogen at the centre of a Spiral Periodic Table with the noble gases and the different groups of elements radiating out like spokes from the centre of a wheel. In the traditional Periodic Table there is a problem of where to place Hydrogen and Helium they can be placed on the left hand side because of their electron configuration or they can be placed on the right hand side. But by placing Hydrogen in the centre of a spiral we solve this problem. Also by having a periodic spiral we place the groups of elements that can undergo Ionic bonding together on either side of the noble gases, We have had many different types of Periodic Tables in the past. In 1865 the English chemist John Newlands formed a periodic table where elements with similar physical and chemical properties recurred at intervals of eight, which he likened to the octaves of Western and Indian music. This became known as the law of the octaves but it only worked up to the element calcium. Newly discovered elements further down the periodic table would not fit into the octave structure. This theory can explain a reason for this it is because the spiral symmetry is formed out of the broken symmetry of a sphere and as we go down the Periodic Table the spiral symmetry becomes more broken and the elements become less stable. Only in three dimensions can we see the true beauty and wave like nature of the periodic table. Each wave forms a period with elements that have similar properties having a similar position within each wave.

Friday 7 June 2024

⌛ The moment of now within a light cone diagram ⏳

The video: The moment of now within a light cone diagram
Mainstream physics lacks an objective understanding of 'the moment of now'; the closest concept we have is depicted in the theory of relativity through light cone diagrams.

The concept of 'now' is depicted as the apex of a light cone, with the past and potential future represented by its lower and upper parts, respectively. In this model, space and time are orthogonal, with time on the vertical axis extending through the light cone and space on the horizontal plane. However, the theory of relativity does not provide a complete, objective understanding of 'the moment of now,' as it lacks a causal relationship. In relativity, matter dictates the curvature of space, and space dictates the movement of matter, without a distinct present moment to cause the future; it is merely a beautiful geometric progression.

In the emerging 'Quantum Atom Theory,' the Universe is depicted as a continuum of constant energy exchange or perpetual creation, with the future materializing in relation to the atoms of the periodic table. This video will attempt to elucidate this concept through the use of light cone diagrams from relativity.

Light cone Diagram of Quantum Atom Theory

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Rebuilt Periodic Table Terrence Howard Spiral Periodic Table

The Periodic Table can be reimagined into a spiral structure, akin to Terrence Howard's Spiral Periodic Table, with atoms depicted as standing waves in time. In this framework, the spontaneous absorption and emission of light waves weave form the fabric of time and 3D space. An uncertain, probabilistic future unfolds through photon-electron interactions. Photon (∆E=hf) energy and electron form spherical oscillations or vibrations underpinning everything, granting more degrees of freedom for statistical entropy and the irreversible processes of classical physics. For instance, heat energy naturally flows from hot to cold, and friction converts motion into heat. The potential energy of photons, indicative of possible events, transforms into the kinetic energy (Eₖ=½mv²) of electrons, manifesting actual events. This dynamic process is tied to the energy and momentum of our actions.

Sacred Geometry is the symmetry of space and time

Human mathematics is founded on the dynamic geometry of the universe, often referred to as 'Sacred Geometry'. Considering E=MC², it becomes evident that energy is intrinsically connected to light. Light emanates uniformly in all directions at a constant speed, creating a sphere with an area of 4πr², which introduces π into human mathematics. As this is an ongoing process, with the future unfolding one photon at a time, π can only ever be approximated.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Terrence Howard 1x1=2 a Geometrical explanation

Mathematics serves as a tool for understanding; its application is in your hands. Terrence Howard's approach to mathematics aids his comprehension, akin to how matrix mathematics was instrumental for Heisenberg. It's crucial to recognize that while mathematics itself isn't fundamental, the geometry it depicts is. Although the math presented in these videos may not always be entirely accurate, the possibility of correctness emerges from the broken symmetry of the geometry.e

Terrence Howard 1x1=2 a Geometrical explanation - YouTube

ding, just as matrix mathematics helped Heisenberg. The thing to remember is that mathematics is not fundamental, the

geometry that it represents is! These videos explain that geometry, the math won't always be totally correct, but even the potential for that arises out of the broken symmetry of the geometry.