The Theory of Everything Quantum Atom Theory
The ancient Greeks and Sir Isaac Newton believed time is a thing in itself. If this is so could a greater understanding of the forward momentum of time give us a deeper understanding of our Universe and life itself.

In Quantum Atom Theory time has geometry and a symmetry that can explain the probability and non locality of quantum physics. If we look at the way we measure time using an atomic clock it is by

Because it is impossible to achieve absolute zero all atoms radiate EMR continuously. EMR in the form of sine waves of harmonic motion will expand in three dimensional space has light spheres. When each wave front comes in contact with the electrons on the surface of another atom it will form a photon electron coupling creating a new moment in time and a new expanding light sphere of future probability.

This will create Einstein’s curvature of spacetime and form part of the dynamically evolving geometry of time. Put very simply the emission and absorption of EMR creates the forward momentum of time at the most fundamental level.
This is very difficult to visualize but in this oil painting of a Geisha Girl walking through sunlight using the terminology of quantum mechanics the wave-particle duality of the light will collapse as she walks through the rays of light. She will collapse the wave function into moments of time and space creating her own spacetime geometry. Any object can collapse the wave particle function but it is because the observer can choose when and where to collapse the wave function that we have free-will to create our own future. If the observer does not collapse the quantum wave-particle function the quantum particle will only have the momentum of its own wave function.

Because light is EMR in the visible spectrum this process is visible to us. In the Two Slit Experiment we can see light radiate out striking objects creating new moments of time. When the light reaches the screen with the two slits the photons will react with the electrons of the screen. This will collapse the wave-particle duality of the light creating new quantum particles in space and new moments in time.

When the observer turns on a detector to determine which slit a photon passes through the interference pattern collapses. At that moment in time the interference pattern disappears because to observer the photon we have to create a photon electron coupling collapsing each wave front into a new quantum particle that will have its own position in space and time.

If we turn the detector off we remove the photon electron coupling and in time the interference pattern will reform. Just like in Newton’s first law of motion the interference pattern will continue to maintain its state unless acted upon by an external force.

We have entanglement because the polarization of light will be set at the creation of each expanding wave front. The wave front will expand in the form of a light sphere and the polarization will remain the same for the entire surface of the light sphere no matter how large it becomes.Because each atom is creating its own spacetime at the same rate that light moves the expansion of light between the atoms will always be a universal constant independent of the motion of the source.
This can also explains why light is so beautiful when it strikes an object it is because we are looking at a moment of purer creation of time and space. The perfect matematical symmetry of time (Plato's perfect ideal reality) that forms the geometry of spacetime and the imperfect broken symmetry of the observer.

The process of Time is inverse just like addition and subtraction or multiplication and division. When an atom emits a photon or quantum of energy we have addition and when another atom absorbs that quantum of energy we have subtraction. Because this process is happening in three dimensional space it is more like multiplication and division. But the end result is the same time
moves on and the observer remains in the moment of now.

This theory fits in with Einstein’s theories on relativity because the individual atoms create their own spacetime geometry relative to their position and momentum therefore there is no universal time.

Because of this momentum is itself frame dependent and the observer as a group of atoms is the only true reference frame. Even a child’s toy spinning top will form its own spacetime geometry relative to its position and momentum.

When the wave fronts of two spheres come in contact we will have destructive interference and the wave fronts out of phase will cancel each other out. There will also be constructive interference between the wave fronts that are in phase and they will superimpose.

The radiating energy will be entirely absorbed proportionally to the masses within the objects. This will course an unbalanced force and the two objects will resonate together in a process known as gravity.

Because atoms consists mostly of empty space EMR of short wave length like x-rays can penetrate the objects and therefore every single part of matter can take part in the gravitational interaction.
We have the inverse square law because the surface area of the light sphere increases with the square of the radius. Thus the strength of the gravitational field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.

When the atoms come together under their own gravity their spacetime will synchronize distorting the geometry of spacetime creating time variations between and within objects it is time variations within magnetic fields that act as a source for electric fields and time varying electric fields is the source of the magnetic fields.

When one field is changing in time, then a field of the other is induced. This will be relative to the position and momentum of the objects creating the time variation, the atoms themselves.

The greater the angle in space the greater the curvature of spacetime the stronger the electromagnetic field at that point in space and at that moment in time.

The wave-particle duality of light or electromagnetic radiation is continuously creating a blank canvas for the observer that she or he can participate in this is what Socrates called a “Sea of Beauty”.

The geometry of time is an innate property of matter whatever form or shape it takes. Each photon electron coupling will create its own symmetry around its point in spacetime.This can be observed either has a point in space over a period of time or has an area of space at a moment in time. But not has both therefore we have Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and the paradoxes of quantum mechanics.

We have a universal dynamically evolving geometry of spacetime forming symmetry from simple dynamics. The forward momentum of EMR will place like-charged particles that repel becoming equally spaced along the curvature of spacetime. Only a slight distortion in the spacetime symmetry will spiral out creating the imperfect symmetry of life.

In Quantum Atom Theory evolution started with a mathematical pattern that forms naturally and then fine-tunes it by natural selection. Because of the infinity of spacetime whatever the level of evolution or beauty of art it will only be a infinite fraction of what is possibly.

The same mechanism of symmetry breaking governs the whole universe of organic and non organic matter from spiral galaxies to sea shells to the DNA of life itself. Everything will form into ever greater complexity because everything is creating its own spacetime geometry of ever greater diversity. Therefore we see fractal self-similarity appearing at every angle and degree of creation.

It is easy to see how our infinite sequence of whole numbers can represent the infinity of three dimensional space because the numbers can be used to represent three dimensional shapes. But in Quantum Atom Theory it is the irrational number pi that drop out of the whole number sequence that represents the never-ending expansion of Time. It is not just because it is random and carries on expanding forever.


In Quantum Atom Theory infinity is an actual reality of our Universe not a mathematical paradox
Infinity can always be divided into ever decreasing or increasing sets of infinities (Cantor’s continuum hypothesis). This is because each atom is creating its own spacetime geometry by the forward expansion of spacetime that can always be divided into sets of infinities.
But because there is only a limited number of elements everything will reform in cycles recreating the same patterns of broken symmetry within endless cycles of ever greater complexity and diversity.

This theory is very simple but it can explain the paradoxes of quantum mechanics and we have the free-will for the creative evolution of our own reality within the dynamically evolving universe of Einstein and quantum mechanics and the classical mechanics of Newton our united.
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