The symmetry of light and variable of time within Quantum Atom Theory

Time is a continuous process of the wave function collapsing and reforming. Forming new photons in space and new moments in time. That is part of the arrow of time or the time continuum that forms three dimensional spacetime.

There is no time at the quantum level of the atoms and we have time independent quantum mechanics when the atom is not undergoing any chemical reaction. Therefore a quantum particle is still bran new after a half-life and all we have is a quantum wave particle function of possibilities.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Measure Problem are within an expanding light sphere. Therefore we see Pi in the equation for the reduced Planck constant and we have Einstein’s curvature of spacetime.
~ Time moves at the speed of light and energy or mass slow it down to form their own spacetime geometry. Therefore the greater the energy of an object the shorter the time period relative to an observers own frame of reference. From the observers frame of reference time will be inverse like multiplication and division or frequency and wavelength. This is very difficult to visualize but in the same way that we have the Inverse Square Law in gravity because the atoms are at the centre of the gravitational field. We see time as inverse because the observer is at the centre of their own quantum field or reference frame (a sphere will look inverse from the centre looking out).

We see time as linear because there was an evolutionary advantage in seeing time this way. But time is a measurement and a variable in three dimensional spacetime that forms the Lorentz contraction of spacetime. In Quantum Atom Theory at very small distances and short time scales this creates the Measure Problem of quantum physics.

There is no ultraviolet catastrophe because time is only relative to the energy or mass of the object forming the spacetime. This is because the greater the energy the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength and therefore the shorter the time period relative to an observers own created spacetime or reference frame.

Quantum Atom theory is a visual theory and is sadly not based on mathematics. But it can take the most beautiful equations to come out of the mind of Man and link then into a coherent structure within geometry of space and time.

In three dimensional space light will move in straight line in all directions forming light spheres. This will create a square of probability that the observer will see as the future uncertainty of everyday life and as Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle at the quantum level.
The quantum wave particle function will expand as an inverse volume of space in the form of a sphere. This will place Euler Identity at the heart of creation of space and time. Therefore human mathematics and geometry is just a reflection of our physical Universe and the irrational number sequence that goes on forever and never repeats always forming something different represents the forward momentum of time.
In this theory consciousness does not collapse the wave function of quantum physics only physical action creating a photon electron coupling can do this. Consciousness is beyond the scope of this theory but consciousness must be governed by the same laws of physics as the rest of the Universe. But if time dilation can occur within the mind of the observer then the observer could be looking at a reflection of his or her own reality. This could one day explain why some people have dreams that come true or why meditation and praying seems to effect reality.
Link to Quantum Atom Theory on You Tube
the smallest discernably discreet bit of universe at its point of origin(ahem) is the universe itself.
over time this divides into more and more 'smallest discernably discreet parts' (or more 'smallest discernably discreet parts' become observable)
ok so far?
so... the universe isn't expanding (1+1+1+...+n)
it's dividing 1/(1+1+1+...+n)
... unfolding into, then occupying positions within a qcd lattice...
... these 'smallest discernably discreet parts of universe' are acting like point-like regions of existence (we can't know more than that thanks to either spec relativity or heisenberg) ... they act like integer bits and interact/organise/describe according to straight number theory...
so... starting at a principle of 'something exists' quantum mechanics could be derived from number theory ... ?
/spam :P
Until you see the light you cannot understand its existence, its speed, its uncertainty principle, and the fact that it undoubtedly exists because it is matter which is energy.
All I can think about is energy equals mass and oh yea sometimes work....Thank God somebody said, "let there be light," and then I had to go to work!
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