Saturday 5 November 2011

Rainbows, Photons and a New Quantum Theory an artist theory on the physics of time

A link to a video on Quantum Atom Theory a artist theory on the physics of time.

The video Rainbows, Photons and the eye.


Everyone see their own rainbow! In just three dimensions relative to the angle they are looking at it. Two people in different positions will see the same rainbow in different position in the sky at the same time.


This could just be an optical illusion; just a trick of the light or it could represent something fundamental in the dynamics of light and time.You might be thinking that this is just because all the angles are changing and that everything is relative and you will be right. But the wavelengths (colours) of the light are moving in unison because light is a universal constant independent of the source and the observer.


In Quantum Atom Theory the speed of light is a universal constant because each new photon particle of light is also a new moment in time that forms geometry of spacetime.It is odd that in some quantum theories we need ten dimensions or more to explain the paradoxes of quantum physics, but in our everyday life everyone can see their own rainbow in just three dimensions.


This video explains a process of continuous creation or change formed by quantum wave particle function collapsing and reforming this creates the uncertainty ∆E ∆t ≥ h/2π of the forward passage of time and a process of spherical ∆×∆p×≥h/4π symmetry forming and breaking.


This forms the basic geometry that human mathematics is based upon.We see and feel this continuous alternating between wave and particle as the continuous flow of time. Just like the tick tock, tick tock of a clock the continuous wave particle, wave particle represents the physical flow of time itself!Therefore we have causality in a Universe of continuous creation or change where the possible can become the actual.


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